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Guest Anonymous

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i think in cali if you refuse to take the test they can automatically take you in. this could work with or against you. You may be able to get out of it since they didnt take a test on the road, but a prosecutor or judge can be stubborn and believe you refused to take the test because you were drunk.


BTW were you drunk? sorry to say if you were, i think you need to pay up because i for sure dont want a drunk driver on my public roads.

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in california, declining to test for blood alcohol content automatically counts as admission of guilt. consequences of a DUI are usually license suspension between 6 months to 2 years, 2 years probation, and it stays on your record for 7 years as a misdemeanor first offense. Get a lawyer

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I had a public defender and I got two weekends of community service plus a hefty fine. I think it was a little over 1 grand. My licence was suspended. I think 6 months is the minimum. They make you take a class which you have to pay for. I think it was 3 or 4 hundred dollars. This was almost ten years ago so I'm not sure what the fines are now.

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Did you learn anything? It would be interesting to know how it affected your attitude towards DUI. IE: Did you do it again? If so, did you think about what the consequences were since you knew first hand?


I can see a guy getting a DUI after a few drinks at dinner or whatever, but what gets me is these guys that get 5-6 DUI's and then kill somebody after that!


I always thought that it was a slap on the wrist for a DUI unless you hurt someone, but that sounds rough as hell! If I got caught once there's no way it would happen again after that eek2.gif


Not being a drinker/smoker, I guess I just don't get it!

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Guest Anonymous

DUI ain't cool. It is a killer of innocent people. I am a lifelong alcoholic that has not had a drink in years. This is your wake up call because in my opinion by the time you recieve the first DUI, this is proof positive that you are an alcoholic with a drinking problem.You have the choice to solve your abuse problem now. Reach the age 50 and your brain will be damaged by the continued use of the poison. I have witnessed this in many alcohol addicted victims. Nothing can survive long and stay healthy in sustained contact with alcohol. If anyone wants to get drunk, they can keep keep their drunken a** off the road.

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Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel.


In Alabama, refusing to take the breath alyzer is a 60 day suspension, and the judge will likely belive the officer and accept the DUI charge as legitemite too, which is a 90 day suspension.


Fine, and DUI class, perhaps community service. Then you have to have the expensive insurance to get your license back.

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The adult in me is coming out and I have add my $.02 here.


I invented and sell a portable blender which could be interpreted to promoted drinking and driving. But I gotta tell you that I am absolutely against D and D.


While in my very reckless 20's a group of us were out partying in San Diego and my best friend decided that she should drive because she had only had 2 glasses of wine that whole night. She got busted driving the rest of us home - blew the limit exactly - lost her license for 6 months - spent a year of weekends cleaning up trash and park bathrooms and lost her sales job. Not to mention that insurance killed her for 5 more years.


I should also mention that I got hit by a drunk driver who then fled the scene and only broke 27 of my bones - I hear he is due out of prison soon.


Bottom line - I have a strict 2 drink minimum (I'm 6'5" and 250) if I have a remote chance of driving. A cab is way cheaper than the cost of hurting someone.


Keep it safe.

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I was a juror on a DUI case in california. The guy wouldn't take the breath test, so they took him in on the spot to do either a blood or urine test.

As others have said, not taking the test there on the street doesn't look good. If he was able to walk the line, recite ABC's, and didn't have wondering eyes at the side of his view then maybe theirs a chance that that stuff will help. Also would help if the cop was an ass, but they know ahead of time that what they do will effect the case, and usually stick by the rules.

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Walking the line, testing the alphabet, touching nose, etc, aren't aimed at at just to see how drunk a person is.... but specifically to build up blood flow and distribute alcohol more evenly through your system so that the blood test, if necessary, will turn up more likely to be positive

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Guest Anonymous

"but specifically to build up blood flow and distribute alcohol more evenly through your system so that the blood test, if necessary, will turn up more likely to be positive"




Anyway, I don't think anything will get the blood moving in a drunk person any better than a blue light ;)

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I have to second the coughing on that one. I once caught 2nd turning left at an intersection. This was in Chapel Hill, NC and so a cop was there to pull me over. I dunno why he thought I was drunk (I had been at a party but hadn't had anything but soda). Anyway, he had me do the whole regimen. Like 30min. worth. Recite the ABCs backwards and forwards while walking a line heal to toe. Then lean back, back, no, back further, now spread your arms out straight and then slowly touch your 2 index fingers. Etc, etc.


This was about 10-11 years ago and I still remember it. He never had me blow into a machine or anything. He did finally let me go (with a Warning for wreckless driving - this was in my 78 Celica 4 banger and I barely chirped the outside tire).


I agree that DUI is very bad mojo. BUT, I think the laws are getting out of hand, esp. here in NC. If you blow a 0.08 (which is one beer for some people), they take your car. Then they sell it. Before you even go to trial! You borrowed a friend's car? Too bad, sold it for $100.


The problem of DUI and people getting hurt/killed is with the repeat offenders. The alcoholics who drink 10 beers and go drive. They may not even have a license. So the normal, law-abiding citizen can now no longer even have wine with dinner. Which is a shame.

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Have to agree with Jeromio on this one. I have a close relative who is currently running from his 6th DUI arrest. I don't know how that is even possible. What good does it do to stiffen fines for first offense DUI when someone can get to a 6th offense without serious jail time?


BUT, aside from the fines, the jail time, loss of license and hideous insurance, think of what you stand to lose before driving after drinking ANYTHING. What if some one hits you? What are your chances of convincing a judge/jury/insurance company it is wasn't your fault if you blow higher than 0.0?


Just not worth it.

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