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horn button as start button (ala S2K)


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OK I realize this might be a funny question to ask.. but my idea is to use the horn button on my Momo steering wheel as the start button. Is this feasible or would it be too much electricity for it to handle? I've got an OEM S2K start button just in case, but I think this would be kind of cool. I would also like to remove the ignition switch from the steering column and hide it somewhere else, is that possible too?

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Just run it through a relay and use the horn to gound the relay (switch feed pole). Shouldn't be a problem until you try to use the horn out of habit.


yea that wouldnt sound good, haha. but instead of making it an actual start button why not make it a contact switch so that unless u press the horn while turning the key it wouldnt star.

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my original idea was to use the honda start button as a horn and vice versa. no one would really think to press the horn to start the car, and whoever tried to start the car was welcomed with a blast from the interior(optional) horns. :)

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my original idea was to use the honda start button as a horn and vice versa. no one would really think to press the horn to start the car, and whoever tried to start the car was welcomed with a blast from the interior(optional) horns. :)


hahah not a bad idea either but like tim said if your used to the steering wheel horn being the actual horn, then that might be a problem

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To keep the car from trying to start when its running just

pick up a vacuum starter lockout switch from a Chrysler.

Its a vacuum switch connected to the starter circuit. If

the engine is running the vacuum switch breaks the starter

circuit so the starter will not work. Very simple but effective.

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The horn button will handle the load without any extra relays. After all, that is what the solenoid is for.


IMO this is not a worthwile mod. Any bozo with a screwdriver can easily jumper the starter solenoid contacts bypassing all of your security measures. And when you are all done, you will not have a horn. How will you keep the minivans and SUV's from changing lanes on top of you? If you want security, let the starter spin but figure out a way to cut out power to the ignition when the starter switch is released.


Just my 2 cents.

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i'm not one that uses my horn too much to begin with so for me at least, it wouldnt be a problem but like i said above, the new horn button would be the "start" button. i'd essentially be switching the buttons roles. no thief would automatically think to press the horn button to start the car at first thought unless they knew how you wired it dont you think? one nasty honk from some air horns would be enough to tell me that someone besides me is inside my car which would be the cause for me to investigate. this isn't exactly the only "security" i have planned for the car anyway... if the car does get stolen, i would probably know who to narrow it down to. (i have a close group of friends that know how to keep their mouths shut so i'm not worried about them anyway)


also, the cost of this mod is practically nil, so the swap of a few wires either way makes it seem worthwhile to me....i think the sound of those horns might cause the thief to go away, at least for that night.

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Once you have power to the coil, all you need to do to engage the starter is get power to the S terminal of the starter solenoid. This is quite easy to do with a screwdriver. I do this all the time when I want to start the engine from under the hood. It is very common knowledge.


Also, if turning the key doesn't cause the car to crank, what will stop the theif from push starting the car?


I understand it will make the car that much harder to steal, but the starter circuit is so easy to bypass it just doesn't seem worth the day to day hassle.


IMO a better way is to install a hidden switch that shorts out the coil power to ground. That way even a jumper wire will not work.

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Once you have power to the coil' date=' all you need to do to engage the starter is get power to the S terminal of the starter solenoid. This is quite easy to do with a screwdriver. I do this all the time when I want to start the engine from under the hood. It is very common knowledge.


Also, if turning the key doesn't cause the car to crank, what will stop the theif from push starting the car?


I understand it will make the car that much harder to steal, but the starter circuit is so easy to bypass it just doesn't seem worth the day to day hassle.


IMO a better way is to install a hidden switch that shorts out the coil power to ground. That way even a jumper wire will not work.[/quote']


unless of course your car is fuel injected....then the little screwdriver trick will only turn the engine over, but never start.

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all good points. i would like to incorporate a few things in the startup process, but not so much that it will take 10 minutes flipping switches and triggering relays. hopefully with the ideas learned from you guys i can get a pretty good schematic going.


PopnWood, Sparky, and Tim, if you have any more suggestions, please feel free! i would like to know what people have seen that works and what doesnt. i know that if a thief wants a car they will get it.. its only a matter of time. i just think it would be fun to frustrate the hell out of them first.

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