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I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid!

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

I know I have a little bit of a rep around here for posting on here about races I've had... what can I say, after all the time, work and money put into my car, I like to see what it can do against other guys' cars. But I do have my limits... I mean... I've never gotten STUPID about it, ya know? I try to at least keep some reasonable limit of safety and am very careful about when and where I'll 'drop the hammer' in my Z.


Case in point. I'm heading towards the freeway tonite on my way to work, and I'm behind these two guys who are seem to be friends, one in a 350z, and one in a Mini Cooper S, they're acting kinda silly, changing lanes back and forth, flooring the gas then stomping the brakes. I'm just hanging back as this is a crowded main street (Roscoe off the 405 for anyone who knows the area) and they're just asking for trouble. We get to the freeway and they get on the onramp, and are still acting stupid, going REALLY slow, I dunno what they're up to... so of course I'm like screw you guys and get in the other lane and stomp it. I get passed the Z, then up to the Mini who was in front, and I hear him downshift and stomp it as well. Not that this is any point of pride for me... I mean it was a damn mini, whoopty doo... I easily blew past him, and hit the main freeway doing about 80 and let off a bit to merge with traffic (which was pretty light).


Anyways, this guy in the mini pulls up next to me and slows down, looking over at me all stupid... pfff whatever... I had slowed down to about 65. I hear him downshift and gun it again, and I"m like screw this guy. So I floor it again and it's like he's standing still. I hit 85 and let off again like sheez get the hint you aint got s*** on me move on already. But this guy just keeps going, I'm guessing he was up way past 100mph, and of course as he gets up to cars he starts changing lanes swerving all crazy... does this jackass think I'm still racing him or what??? What's he trying to prove? He's way off in the distance when suddenly his buddy in the Z blasts past me, also doing probably about 100mph, he then jumps over into my lane, hits his brakes, then I see his emergency lights come on, blink like three or four times, then back off, and then he takes off again and starts weaving all thru traffic chasing his friend. I don't even know what that was all about??? Anyways... I almost feel bad that I may have instigated his retarded behaviour... the guy just keep speeding up, I'm guessing maybe up to 120mph or more? That's just retarded. I tend to drive a bit speedy on the freeway myself but I don't do anything stupid like that, even if it means me being able to brag about beating someone in a 'race'.

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you have just stumbled upon ricers with money... just more stupid jackasses clogging our streets :toetap05: It's getting to the point where all the trend-jumping magazine kiddies are making me want to sell my 240SX, even though it's just now getting to the point I wanted it when I got it two and a half years ago :-(

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I once had a similar experience in my Z. I was actually coming home from an open track event and this *** wipe with a riced out Civic with this insanely stupid fiberglass body kit was driving like a retard. I went to pass him just to get away, and he thought I was trying to race him. At this point I was pissed, so I dropped to third and walked away. Then I eased up and went back to a normal speed, and same story as you, he shows up next to me again revving his engine. So I put it in 4th and walked him again. My brother in law showed the guy 4 fingers to tell him what was up. Next time up I left it in 5th and walked him again. My brother in law was laughing his *** off when he showed this jackass 5 fingers and we were still pulling away. By this time attack Honda boy has had enough of being shown how slow his car is, and tries to get around me. We caught up to some traffic on a bridge, and the idiot actually passed 2 cars and a semi in the EMERGENCY LANE ON A BRIDGE. I wasn't about to try and match his feat of stupidity, so that was the end of that story, but it still gets my blood pressure up 6 years later. Ricers make me angry.

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Was the Z silver? I know there is a million silver 350Z's out there, but I witnessed one (that appeared stock) doing the same crap on the 405 last weekend. 100+ mph in and out of traffic... racing a riced out Altima. When I caught up to him later (I was doing 70 and he had slowed down) he started downshifting, accelerating and slowing down like he wanted to run my WRX. I just shook my head and set the cruise control... hoping I'd see him get pulled over. Frickin Jack A$$

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I just read an article on a study that links being around stupid people with heart attacks & strokes. Bottom line, the really stupid ones can kill you just by being themselves. I'm considering getting myself a portable defibrillator. It may be my only chance for survival.

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i ride around with my friend almost every day in his 97 prelude VTEC, which packs a surprisingly strong punch (upwards of 210 hp, 197ish torque with a cold air intake and exhaust) This kid drives so conservatively,i guess it's because he can beat most of the cars in his class. Anywho, his car is red and has real nice tenzo r wheels and a full r34 body kit, so needless to say he attracts alot of attention.


Every time we go anywhere idiots in sentras and integras etc pull up next to us and rev, and my friend david shakes his head and sometimes even slows down.


I, however, don't think I drive that conservatively at all. It's hard to with rear wheel drive...lol

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Guest Battle Pope

Fortunately with the 460 I think I could probably deter most "stoplight banditos" with just a blip of the throttle. IF they persist, I think their hopes will be dashed when they see the rear-end step out.

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I let my older son borrow the 280Z28 once. He was at a stoplight when a well riced Civic pulled along side and started revving his squirrel. Eric ran the LS1 up to about 4K and let it do a slow rumble down. The Civic guy dropped his eyes & stared straight ahead. Both of them left the light very normally. One of the best 'kills' Eric ever got.

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I do not seem to have that problem out here on the mean streets of Fall CreeK with ricers. I am considering having the jackstands powder coated to prevent future rust and while I am "at it" section and lower the jack stands a couple of inches.


I've did the same to my jackstands but soon they'll be retired and placed on the history wall. I've found that lowering them gives much better bite on the concrete floor of the garage, makes cornering at the wall much nicer. I blew away my welder in a drag race the other night, damn thing kept purging at me so I had to teach it a lesson.:)



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I let my older son borrow the 280Z28 once. He was at a stoplight when a well riced Civic pulled along side and started revving his squirrel. Eric ran the LS1 up to about 4K and let it do a slow rumble down. The Civic guy dropped his eyes & stared straight ahead. Both of them left the light very normally. One of the best 'kills' Eric ever got.



Now that is the best win ever, the race that never has to take place.

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Guest bastaad525
Was the Z silver? I know there is a million silver 350Z's out there, but I witnessed one (that appeared stock) doing the same crap on the 405 last weekend. 100+ mph in and out of traffic... racing a riced out Altima. When I caught up to him later (I was doing 70 and he had slowed down) he started downshifting, accelerating and slowing down like he wanted to run my WRX. I just shook my head and set the cruise control... hoping I'd see him get pulled over. Frickin Jack A$$



yeah it was silver! :D but yeah... there are a LOT of those around here... of all the 350's I see, it's like 70% silver, 15% blue, and the rest white or black and the occasional orange. This guys looked bone stock except different headlights? They were those annoying bright blue ones.

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