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Farwell My Friends


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For two weeks anyways...just wanted to let everyone know my computer is being packed tomorrow and I will be down for at least two weeks while getting to Japan and setting up etc. My permanent EMail is herbalife63@hotmail.com if anyone wants to drop a line etc. So for now "To the land of the Ricing Sun" or is that Rising Sun???





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Have a safe trip and good luck getting set up over there. Three yrs is it! I bet your really going to miss the Z's. I will run one down the track for you! Maybe even a 10 second pass one of these days.



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Good luck, remember we have a race when you get back. I hear that the chinese diet plan consits of americans trying to eat rice with chop sticks one piece of rice at at time. Ha ha.


Oh, and thanks for telling me where you left the keys for the z and the storage facility, I'm sure all the rest of the hybridz'ers will be jealous.

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If I mail you a box, can you send it back with some S13 Silvia headlamps in it? :twisted: Just mark "return to sender" and avoid postage :twak:



hehehe, anyway, have fun over there, and try not to be too taken aback by their strange pop-culture...

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