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Drove the LT1 570z today

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I've driven her around the neighborhood a few times, but today I took her out for around 40 miles to the shop for a new exhaust system. The car run's great, but I found out it definitely needs fuel (ran out).


It was pretty hot, but she didn't run hot. I even ran into quite a bit of traffic, and the temperature gauge only moved a little past half way. I never even switched on my cooling fan.


The drone from the open headers was a little much, and I was stressing the whole time thinking I would get pulled over by the police; but I didn't even see any along the way. Once you get it cruising in sixth gear, it's not all that loud (well at least to me...my wife was following me in my other car with the windows rolled up and the air on, and she said it was still pretty loud even at cruising speed); but you can't hide the sound during acceleration and de-acceleration.


I am extremely happy with my car, and I appreciate all the help and advice I've received from HybridZ along the way. I still have a lot of work to do, but I'm just about finished with all the major mechanical work.


I'll post up some pictures of my completed exhaust system and I bet it will be really sweet (hint: it's being done by someone most of you know).

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HMMMM... That looks alot like Tim's old motor, Where did the purple go :toetap05: Just kidding! What I'm getting at, is the thrill and excitement of what you worked soooo hard to do, to pay off! I remember getting my Beast started and that first drive. Talking about working wood! I went to your web site and great job :hail: And as MAS280 would ask me..... When are you going to the track!!!!

JOEY :cheers:

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Thanks for all the positive comments!


There are many great moments when doing an engine swap. When the engine started the first time I was as giddy as a school girl (I think I actually shed a tear:shock: ). Driving it around the first time was a big thrill, and that's when I realized puting a V8 in my Z was definitely the right choice for me. This most recent milestone was a big one, because now I now this car is very driveable.


John Coffey is doing my exhaust and checking my alignment, and he already sent me a progress picture last night.


Damn, I should have done more cleanup on the engine and transmission:toetap05: . I don't know about "hitting the track", I want my car to be a street car first. My next priorities are to finish the body and the interior.

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Guest dancaprar

congratufrigginlations, bartman. Damn thing is lookn sweet. I keep getting more antsy to start mine and my wallet gets more empty. Heres to the overtime and holiday shifts! :cheers:


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