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Dynoed the 280..

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Now you are missing the point also.


I'm not saying efficency doesn't make a difference. Or course it does.


The formula is simple, as you can tell.


It assumes everything is equal except for air pressure. So, the formula gives the maximum hp that a NA engine would produce at a specific boost. That means the turbo and IC are the perfect size and the ignition and fuel are just right.


So, a NA engine with 14.7 psi of boost would, in theory, double its output. If there is something wrong with the turbo efficency or air temp or fuel ratio then the power will be lower than the theoritical. That is all I'm saying.


Sure, the hp can go up at the same boost level if a better head or a bigger cam is used. But that better head and bigger cam also would increase the NA hp, so the formula remains correct.


And, everytime someone posts turbo dyno numbers it proves to me that this formula is a close estimate of power. But as we all know, dyno numbers can vary by a lot. 250 on one dyno could be 300 on another.

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