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Does this look familiar?

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Tell me that DLT504's LONG post in that thread doesn't look REALLY familiar. Check the length, great info, language, use of capitals, etc. Seem like someone we know?


Jeesh, giving great info is noble, but to do it and not attribute the TRUE author is pretty lame. Last time I checked, G_____V____ lived in Florida, not Illinois. ;)


Since GV has posted that same info numerous times here on HybridZ and on Chevytalk, and he adds to it very thoughtfully to fit the particular question in a thread, I'm just guessing here that HE is the original author, not DLT504.


Thanks again GV for all the great advice - I DO listen, I just don't always use my brain and follow it all-unfortunately!!!



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Grumpyvette is moderator on the "Performance Related" forum on Chevytalk.org: http://www.chevytalk.org/threads/postlist.php?Cat=0&Board=UBB64

(and I think a few Vette forums), as well as being a stellar citizen on other tech related boards like ours. I'm guessing his "home" is Chevytalk's forum (meaning he probably checks those forums more often, not sure) and that might be a more appropriate place to point people to find his wealth of tech posts. But we are very lucky to have him come here and answer questions, and just post nice long, detailed threads about performance related stuff, without anyone asking a question!!!

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