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I Totaled My Car!!!!!!!!!


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Damn. I was merging on the onramp and a 18 wheeler squeezed me to the wall. All I could do was brace myself for the impacted. All 4 corners are damaged. The hood looks like a taco. Pictures to follow. And next need end I was going to a track event in California Speedway.

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Guest iskone

WTF!? Is this a death to Z's week?


Hate to hear it man, I feel your pain hope you got insurance. sounds like it was the other guys fault, hope so.



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Ya iskone it was his fault. I have insurance with Hagerty.My car looks like your's, only all four corners are gone. I bounced off the concrete wall 2 times and hit both from and rear wheels of the semi's trailer.I don't think he even felt the impact. He didn't stop to see if I was alright.

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he didnt stop? what a jerk off!

im glad you are ok (hope) it could have been worse semi vs z!

man thats 2 z's in such a short time!

sorry to hear about it

man u put sooo much work into your car and it was sweet

again sorry to hear about your misfortune

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Sucks! Fight it if you can!

Same thing happened to me on an on-ramp in my CRX, but I actually pulled over to let the truck (who was forcing his way) go by. He dragged his tire along the side of my car and probably didn't even know it...I filed a police report and they came back saying they weren't aware of any such incident. Bastards...I don't give way to no one anymore. cept cute girls.


I was looking forward to seeing your car too!



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We were merging on an onramp to the freeway . It happened so fast, that it seemed that everything was going slow motion. By the time I stopped moving the truck was hauling down the freeway. I went to the emergncy room to get xrays. Luckly no broken tailbone. But man does my but hurt. I didn't have my seat belt too tight and I bounced up and landed on the side door portion of the roll cage. Stupid me having it on and not even having it tight? I AAA tow truck showed up in like 10 minutes and had me hauled off the freeway. He was scared that we would be hit because there is no emergncy lane on that onramp. AAA said they would call CHP for me but they didn't show in that 10 minutes. Well after we got off the freeway I called the non-emercy number to the CHP and they said since I didn't need an ambulance and the car was already off the freeway, I should go the the local CHP office on monday to file a report during normal business hours? I have no witnesses. But at least the Hagerty rep on the phone was very nice , she seemed very concered about my welfare and said a local rep would call and take a report on monday.Wish me luck guys.

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Pop n wood > I do have to comment that the passanger compartment held up fine, I mean considering the force of the impact ,the doors arn't even out of alingment with the strickers. I'm sure the combination of subframe connectors, cage, and front and rear strut towers, reinforced the whole car. I would say without a doubt that I would have been much more seriously injured if I didn't have the stuff I did put in. If I only had my seat belt on tight I would have walk away WITHOUT A SCRATCH. Now excuse me while I go ice my BUT.

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You may not be as bad off as you think.Looks like a lot of sheetmetal damage to me,but not unrepairable at all.Be able to tell more when the hood opens.The fact that the doors are not moved is a GREAT sign.Personally,I would fix that car in a minute.Tough break for sure but think of all those BRAND NEW parts you get to put on.I would try to get a reasonable settlement based on an outside paint shop,and reassemble the front clip myself(depending on the underneath damage).Maybe let the pros do the rear quarter and paint it all.Just another option/opinion I guess,lookin for the bright side.I just hate letting other people work on my car if I dont completely trust them,like shortcut body shops and hack job painters.

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all four wheels are going different directions. Surelly all the suspension pieces are gone. I think all I can truelly save would be the Engine,trans, diff, interior. I can't believe the glass is intact. I know what's sad was that the body didn't have any bondo. It was all straight metal.

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