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Terrorist Goals are ???


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Terrorist trying to blow up a dam...



Terrorist blew up a children and US Hummer a few day ago...


Terrorist blowing up london tube and bus...


Terrorist kidnapping and beheading.


Why do they want to blow up the earth and what is it they think they are accomplising. It just makes more people hate them, the middle east, and their religion.


Is the earth going to bow down to them? What in the world do they think is happening?

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So their accomplishments are a bunch of whiny looking emo jacktards posting pictures of themselves on the net holding signs reading 'we're so sorry, we didn't vote for him'?


that's a pretty lousy accomplishment

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I've already stated on another thread that their methods are kind of pointless and non logical IMHO. Name one time when world policy is changed due to a terrorist bomb incident(s). Name one time when the world's religious views change due to the same method. Answer = none, never, nada, no way, no how. In fact world policy changes minutely over time with the ever increasing population, customs, beliefs and so on so forth. Religion hardly ever changes, we just end up with an offshoot of a religion. A bomb changed the course of world history only once and then it wasn't a terrorist bomb, but the atomic bomb, and whether or not it was right or wrong, it happened. I'm sure that is their ultimate goal, but nothing has supported the acquisition of the appropriate materials to accomplish that end result.


Personally, I think everyone should join my church, THE CHURCH OF BORN AGAIN VIRGINS!

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Name one time when world policy is changed due to a terrorist bomb incident.


The Madrid bombing was generally credited with swinging the election resulting in Spain removing their troops from Iraq.


Sorry. There are pussies all over the world. See the link I posted earlier.

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