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ancient 200mpg carburetor???


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I was watching Discovery channel some long time ago. The program mentioned a guy who invented a carburetor decades ago that's good for 200mpg. He actually got a patent and is said to have witnesses that can testify to the effectiveness of the carb. The program didn't introduce the carb or the inventor, just mentioned them. I tried to search the patent database but the patent is too old and wasn't listed for searching at all.


Weeks ago I was doing my book shopping on Amazon.com and I ran into a few books with this particular carburetor as their subjects, but the books are all out of print and there are no cover pictures available.


Has anyone heard about the mythical 200mpg carb and know how the thing operates. I know the real thing probably isn't as practical as it sounds but I still want to find out.



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Guest Phil1934

Smokey Yunick did. He added a turbo as a one way check valve so expanding gases didn't lower vol. eff. and he ran the engine very hot. He couldn't get any manufacturers to buy.

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Pogue is said to have driven a car for 200 miles on one gallon of gasoline!


This is not the same as getting 200 mpg. For all anyone knows he had one run with his engine off going down hill drafting a truck.


Back in the late 70's I met a guy in a truck stop in the middle of Texas who had just such a carb in the back of his camper. Said he was on the run from the "oil companies" who didn't want him to market his device or it would bankrupt them. Offered to make me a full partner for $200. Unfortunately this was back in the days before ATM machines and I was out of cash. Damn the luck! Guess the oil companies must have caught up with him because I have never seen this miracle carb in the back of a JC Whitney catalog.


Fuel atomization is such a small part of the problem. The key to the "device" is believing fuel is more completely burned by his "vaporization" scheme, something that is easily disproved all by itself. The bigger key to extreme fuel efficiency is understanding things such as Carnot cycles and the third law of thermodynamics.

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My neighbor (owns his own bus repair company) ran into a guy who worked for a "patent buying" department within Chevron. He said this sort of stuff got bought up all the time. As far out as this sounds, my neighbor said they had stuff for almost perpetual motion engines and cool electronic gizmos that were 10 years ahead of their time.

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Do you really think that if Honda, Nissan, Toyota and the rest could get a car to get 200 mpg they would let a patent stop them. For years Japan has not accepted our patent laws. Honda worked for several years trying to develop the ceramic motor. Lean an engine out and you will melt it. If you look at the thermal efficiency to get 200 mpg out of a gallon of gas in a car it would be over 1 and that is not possible.

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Do you really think that if Honda, Nissan, Toyota and the rest could get a car to get 200 mpg they would let a patent stop them. For years Japan has not accepted our patent laws. Honda worked for several years trying to develop the ceramic motor. Lean an engine out and you will melt it. If you look at the thermal efficiency to get 200 mpg out of a gallon of gas in a car it would be over 1 and that is not possible.



It's possible, if the car was 500lbs and had the aerodynamics of a Formula 1 Racer. Then again, that would technically be a motorcycle with 4 wheels. You could make a motorcycle get 200mpg I bet. My Chevy Sprint got as high as 65mpg with a 2bbl carb from 1986. It weighed roughly 2000lbs with the driver and could go 65mph on the freeway. 0-60 was 21-23 seconds however in 4th.

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I think most people don't realize the amount of energy gasoline contains. Years ago I heard that if you completely vaporize one pint of gasoline and then ignited it under the right conditions, the blast would be equivalent to 14 sticks of dynamite! Our military for example, has a 'vapor bomb' that can be used like a small nuke without all that nasty radiation. If this is true, then why can't someone harness this energy in a controlled/safe manner?



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Strictly speaking in terms of physics, when a moving body on wheels rolls across a flat surface at a constant speed, the amount of work required to keep moving is ZERO(imagine drifting in space and never stops). In the real world, there are friction, drag, bumps, uphill, stop & go etc. When travelling on a perfectly flat surface, all that consumes energy are friction and drag. If the carb does lead to 100% fuel consumption, under special circumstances(low friction, drag, driving slowly in circles on a flat surface, non-stop) the claim might actually come to realization.


The 200mpg claim might be an extrapolation of test results, like 5 miles per 1/5 pint = 200miles per gallon.


That said, if we do use the "200mpg" carb, it can only ensure all fuel droplets are vaporized, it will not give 200mpg in real world driving.


I was reading some old threads on the forum and a guy said his Sprint can get 60mpg using a carb. Shows how much gas a light car can save.

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I was reading some old threads on the forum and a guy said his Sprint can get 60mpg using a carb. Shows how much gas a light car can save.


That was me I bet I have posted that before.



Anyway, I don't completely believe the vaporization theory, what about propane? It's not a liquid when you inject it, no liquid, no droplets, why isn't it the best thing since sliced bread? The relative energy density of Propane compaired to gasolie is 96%, and it has lower emmissions. so for roughly the same weight of fuel, you should get the best mileage possible, however, you don't. Because the efficiency of the engine is only a few percent better with Propane. In my mind then the ideal vaporized gasoline shouldn't get you better then 10% max more efficientcy. It's an urban legend.

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