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Any online breaking calculators?

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I know it sounds really silly....because I will be doing the big brake upgrade but I have to prove it through equations that the car will stop in a shorter distance than if I had the stock brakes system on.



Pushing the car down the hill would be a great idea right? :twak:

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Put on stickier tires and you will stop shorter then just changing to bigger brakes. The tire compound does more for stopping distances than the size of the brakes, unless your car is an all out road racer and you are looking into the brakes for racing reasons. The added weight of the larger brakes and wheels that are need to clear them could make the distances longer when comparing to the stock brakes and using identicle compound tires. Rotating weight plays a major roll in the ability to stop a car.


Read this: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=103767

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Evil C, at least you didn't search using "breaking" as your key word. I tried using fule, trubo and other words spelled incorrectly and got no results go figure.


The key to stopping is; 1. whether you the tire is still rolling or not. and 2. Whether or not the tire is at the point of incipient slip, which goes to rubber compound and the coefficients of static friction and dynamic friction.


Then of course you have to factor in what happens if one of your tires locks and the rest do not, ie. whether the car is moving in a straight line or not, uphill, downhill, level or whatnot. I think it's too many variables to calculate, but bigger brakes can't be a drawback.

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My thought is that you won't have brake fade as rapidly with bigger brakes. That assumes that the stock brakes are not oversized for the vehicle weight and won't lock the tires up at any speed. Then you'll have a chance at proving that, otherwise, your up the creek without a paddle.

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