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Looking for Gnose headlight covers.. ohh the never ending search


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i have done TONS of searching on every Zcar site, and google, and I have yet to find a good source for Gnose headlight covers...


and damnit.. I want some...


Soo.. LoL.. anyone have a spare set lying around, or know of a good source for them?!


I'm going crazy.. 1 year in searching soo far, im starting to give up.

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Here is site I found sometime ago that lists G-Nose Light Covers. However they only list them with a G-Nose as a kit (not sure if the sell them separately).




When I got my G-Nose light covers (via a ex Nissan Japan employee now living here in Auckland) he told me that his source in Japan said there were only 5 genuine G-Nose light covers sets left so after I purchased mine 3 months ago that now make 4 (this might be only via one supplier though so there might be more).


I now have the set with a sheet metal worker to see if he can replicate the stainless steel trim.

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I'm far less concerned about the trim pieces (I'll settle for trimming them with chrome-plastic door edging as I did on the 240Z plexiglass covers)...I think the big thing is the clear covers themselves. Nissan-style trim rings would be great but the covers are what I'm after most.


If someone could fabricate some decent G-nose headlight covers at a reasonable price it seems like there is demand enough to make it worthwhile. Trim rings could follow. DAW

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  • 1 month later...

Any updates on this? If the G-Nose headlight covers and trim ring are so hard to find, let's start a discussion on fabricating some replica's. It's shouldn't be too hard...


Are there any sources for replica's?


I personally want the chrome trim rings, so if there's a source for them I'd be willing to pay for them... otherwise maybe I'll start to think more seriously about trying to fabricate something....

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Well the steel metal worker looking to replicating the chrome trim for me (note replica not copy ie same material = stainless steel) said it would be too costly to create the tooling to get the double bend from stainless (almost like a very wide and flat U shape). So I have ordered a new set from Japan (the set I got with my G-Nose was missing one side of the chrome trim and the covers were cracked).


So I have now being thinking of making the bands out of something else and using some of these chrome paints that are around these days - maybe a plastic, other option is brass then get this chromed. The really cheap and nasty option would be to get a set of covers make and just paint the edge chrome.


Next step is to replicate the covers and come back to the trim later.

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How did you order a new set from Japan? Are there more available? I'd like to buy a set.


I have also contacted a vendor who can make the clear plastic cover, I'll have a price shortly... If I could get a set of the trim peices that would be GREAT!

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I think I will have some luck having the clear lexan covers made, and I also could replicate the trim if I had a set to copy (which I would return)...


It would also be much easier if I had a set of the lexan covers (in any condition) to copy... I'd return them when complete... If anyone would like to get this project going I believe I can make it happen with some assistance.



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  • 1 year later...
Guest JMJ240Z
Here is site I found sometime ago that lists G-Nose Light Covers. However they only list them with a G-Nose as a kit (not sure if the sell them separately).




When I got my G-Nose light covers (via a ex Nissan Japan employee now living here in Auckland) he told me that his source in Japan said there were only 5 genuine G-Nose light covers sets left so after I purchased mine 3 months ago that now make 4 (this might be only via one supplier though so there might be more).


I now have the set with a sheet metal worker to see if he can replicate the stainless steel trim.

How did you order your covers, I went to the website and found that my chinese is not good enough for reading the text.

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