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When will Nissan grow some balls?


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i dunno.. the stang 2V mod motor i never was a fan of..

it can make alot of power but it revs very slow.. sorta like a old L28.. but come on! its has how many years on the L28!

doesnt have that high of a redline for being a non-pushroad motor.


now the DOHC cobra/mach 1 motor.. that sucker is fun!

my friend had one that was setting it up for roadracing and sometimes drifting and that sucker sounded and performed flawlessly at 7K rpms!


the New 350Z i think is a wonderful car, i think it performs, looks, and has that appel of a old 240Z. more so then the 300zx's!

the engine sounds beautiful! torque is great and man is it instant!

all for a great price too.



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My brother's 93 cobra pulled like crazy (for a stock car in it's era it's BAD!). He could get on the freeway and be well over 90 MPH without even trying. First week he had the car we're getting on the freeway and he never went over 2500 and he was like "why traffic going so slow? Oh crap, i'm going 95 man!" The gt40 is a great motor from the era it decends. The DOHC 4.6 is a killer motor. But I see your point about the normal 4.6 OHC motors. They're only supposed to power in the top end, strictly for fuel reasons. The 99-04 GTs got better gas milage then th 96' dodge intrepid my mom owned...

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if you want that then buy a damn mustang.

the Z is ment to rev and be at the price for anybody to buy.

its the poor mans ferrari!





If you like revving so bad, just turn your stock Tachometer up a notch, then you top out your 5500rpm V8 but it'll look like you're doing 8k. But you'll feel much more torque and have a more drivable car, IMO. I haven't gotten around to "fixing" the stock tach and it says about 1.25 more than it should. You wouldn't know except the RPM at idle looks high, especially since I can't turn my idle any lower than 750-800, idle passeges/jets on the carb are biger then they need to be. So it sort of sounds like the stock car did on idle...


like bubububububububububub

instead of like bum bum bum bum bum bum


And with the gear reduction starter it even sounds like a smaller engine when starting. nananananananananaanna instead of rur rur rur rur rur rur.

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isn't that called stalling? =DDD




Does anyone know about the 4v/cylinder heads for chevy 350's? I wonder if that keeps the engine small with more modern redlines. I think there is something about that in the JTR manual, mine is away though so i wouldn't know. Would be sweet though imho.

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Word is the new skyline will have a twin turbo VQ-series v6 in it (probably 3.5 liters) which means at 15psi of boost it is mathematically equivelant to 7 liters! That's enough displacement for me! :D


Micheal- I don't think the Japanese have any "cultural bias" against big engines or v8's. For those who can afford them, there are plenty of Japanese cars with v8's. (They are luxury cars though). Remember, Japan has a population about half of America's, but the whole country is only about the size of California. Imagine if half the people in America lived in California, and gas cost way more. It just makes sense for their cars to remain small and cheap and have excellent gas mileage and low emissions. But there is always a market for "high end" cars with big engines :) which is why the wealthier in Japan buy the v8 luxo sedans, many of which aren't even sold in America (I have no clue why not).

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Yet most californians own luxury cars or suvs (in the urban areas at least)


I don't think it would cange much here if gas prices when up either.


I think the japanese are just more reserved people with thier income. Almost all americans are in debt. And they're on average spending more money than they make. Japanese just don't have a society quite like that.

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I seriously doubt "most" people in cali drive luxury cars or suv's (I live in Cali). There are a lot of suv's, but I would almost guarantee that the most common type of cars in cali (and all of America) are 4 cyl sedans. The only reason there are as many suv's and luxury cars as there are is because the population density here is nowhere near as bad as it is in Japan. That was my whole point ;)

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The used luxury market is booming. And most of the 4cl sedans are commuters. Go to concord, where in every driveway lurks at least one if not two SUVs and usually a luxury car. I've never gone more than ten minutes in concord without seeing a 40k+ car. I saw a ford GT come into a SF dealership and sell within a week.


Even down the street from me, in a not so nice area, there are houses with multiple SUVs. Just down the street is a house that bought two escalades within a 6 month period (i know the guy there and I'm 90% sure he's a dealer). I went to the golf course the other day... not a single sedan in the parking lot. ALL SUVs. And it was a full parking lot.

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Appreciate the 6cyl's, that's part of the Z pride. All you people that want V8 everything just go buy a domestic. it's not a matter of "balls"... more a matter of "brains"...


The Balls part of it would be to have a large displacement engine in a small car, sure you can have a corvette, and they're awesome, but there is just a little bad taste in the air when people speak of the corvette, like everyone is jealous of it or think it's too... phallic, I'm not one of them but my wife is, which is why I have a Hybrid Z and not a Corvette today.


It's been proven time and again, that you can get good gas mileage from a large displacement engine in an aerodynamic light car. I would be a customer to Nissan if they ever got enough balls to make the production 500Z. All the modern luxuries, modern suspension, modern aerodynamics, modern style and modern power.


But those days are waning with higher gas prices nearing inflation adjusted historical highs (about $3.30/gal would match the early 70’s crunch) I am not looking forward to 20+ years of a Toyota and Honda gas sipper dominated market. Remember today fondly, the balls are about to recede for another 20 years. IMO.

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good freggin' point bsosick. And i see what brandon means. There's just something about a big engine in a small car that creates an unspeakable aura that people either love or hate. With the price difference between the RWD skylines and the GTRs i've always wondered why they didn't just but a larger motor in and knock the price up a couple of grand.

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Nissan should produce a vvt version of the Titan's 5.6 liter v8 and put it in the Z! That would be awesome :D But it'll probably never happen :(


(BTW Gollum, based on US census data, in 2003 there were 25 million suv's out of 230 million total registered automobiles in America ~ only about 10%.)

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