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Skylines in USA?


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The early skyline's were never imported/sold in the US. However there are a few private imports I believe. I also believe they never got the S15 Silva/200sx/240sx (depends on the market and engine size as to the name of the car :) )


To that end it is a bit like NZ were the Skylines were never officially imported/sold either however we do get a lot of JDM imports so we are lucky over there really. Skylines that I know that were sold in NZ new were the C110 (aka 240K GT) and I think that is about it all the others were private or dealer imports ie C210, R30, R31, R32, R33 and R34. I would love to know if there are any C10 in the country :) a KGC10 would be good to see in the flesh :cool:

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