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Anyone ever worked for Vector/Cutco?


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Yes, during college.

Well, let's just say that I was not pleased with the company. They brainwash you during the week-long "training" into being their little zombie knife sellers. Also, they make you buy your demo set to the tune of $150ish. That, and the fact that they virtually force you to go to meetings three times a week, call in every day with tabs on sales, and don't pay you much at all makes for a bad experience for some. However, IF you know a LOT of people who have money to blow, it MAY be worth your time. After I quit there I got a regular hourly pay job and was much, much happier!




PS, sorry for the short description, I'm in a hurry...

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I went through a full week of their so called "training". They lied to me from the start. There was an ad in the paper for call center employees, date/time/location, etc. I showed up at this seminar and they kind of talked me into staying with free lunches and a paycheck for being there a week. They expect you to buy a knife set as your demo. The only appointments you will have are through family and friends. You will make a complete *** of yourself. Dont do it. You may book several appointments at first, but you will eventually book none. All said and done, they sold YOU a knife set. I was asked to leave the class after gathering a group of people to walk out with me. I left with 22 people. The program is complete bs.

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Well my neighbor works for them and he is a good friend, and he makes about $300 a week and has been there for a year and paid his set off in the first day. I have seen his pay stubs and it all looks legit, dont get me wrong im not defending them or anything, just stating facts on what I saw.

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Yeah, the training is what really got me, too, except we were NOT paid for it and got NO free lunches. BEEEE ESSSS. Also, I have to call them out on it when they say their reps do no cold calls. Each call after you have done your family and friends is definitely a COLD call because you don't know the person you are talking to at all. You are a combination of door-to-door salesman and telemarketer, added to the fact that you have to call in all the time to report progress and go to unpaid meetings, etc. I don't know how anyone does it.




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Just did a google, thanks guys, defiantely staying away!


So what did you find that changed your opinion about them?


When I was in highschool, a guy was trying to be familiar with me and a friend of mine just to sell us some knives. We refused, and he was never so much of a friend anymore. Pretty much uncool.

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