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grafting in E36 BMW headlights


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I was looking at the thread below for the BMW headlights so I started browsing around and I think I could build some steel headlight covers and graft in some Bimmer 92-98 e36 headlights into my Z. It would be a lot of work but I think it would be well worth the effort.


some of these are basically what I was thinking of. Except OEM not cheap aftermarket.

if someone could graft them into a z with photoshop In would greatly appreciate it. I don't have any really good software for editing photos.

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?? you want to do a bmw headlight conversion onto a Z? they wont fit unless you do a complete front end revamp.... that would make the Z look HORRIBLE! if u just want to swap over the round chrome part, whats the point? 1, they are different size and 2, u can get "crystal clear" 7" ones already on ebay and other places that fit the Z directly. these bmw lights dont have projectors so there's no real need to do the conversion, unless u want to put in the whole headlight... then.... uh.... NO DONT DOOO IT!!!! :cry:

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?? you want to do a bmw headlight conversion onto a Z? they wont fit unless you do a complete front end revamp.... that would make the Z look HORRIBLE! if u just want to swap over the round chrome part, whats the point? 1, they are different size and 2, u can get "crystal clear" 7" ones already on ebay and other places that fit the Z directly. these bmw lights dont have projectors so there's no real need to do the conversion, unless u want to put in the whole headlight... then.... uh.... NO DONT DOOO IT!!!! :cry:



haha i'm gonna have to agree dude. this would just look.... weird. but to each his own i guess!

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when i picked up my lights i thought it woudl be cool to get new buckets and mold them half way down them, so the highbeam lgihts would sit just behind the front grill (and hence wouldnt' wreck the apearance) and when using headlight covers would look more modern like something off a mazerati (spelling) etc, but then after looking it though the hinges get in the way, but u could alwyas make the bonnet open normally...


my other thought was to put the lights vertically (seems to be the modern trend anyway) and just rotate the projector lense so it was still the right way around, which would work but the bumpers get in the way, so i went for the easy alternative which was to just use the low beams


i reakon mounting bmw lights into cars with normal lights would work out well and not be that hard, i'm trying to convince some of my mates to do it, one has a 96 accord and the other has a 92 pintara trx, and it would be rather i reakon after playing with putting r33 series 2 4 door rear lights into my car - will start a thread on that when its done, but lets just say making them thin enough is hard, but with headlights there is HEAPS of room

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