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My Word Against the Officer's


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:mrgreen: Congrats!!!

Never surrender to guilt or to lawyers!

Save your dough for something really important...like a divorce!!!!!


Driving sternly can be habit forming. Time and a place is the rule.

Its working. Havent been cited since 1999.

I look for the spots to lean on it. Sometime scout a stretch of interesting road way for a few miles, turn around and lean on it a bit.

Regardless I'm happy for you!


Have fun!

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Norm you would be wrong yet again...


A: If you look back to my very first post on this subject, I stated that this advice applies to simple traffic violations. NOTHING significant like a DUI or other serious misdemeanor crime.


B: Using my credentials to try to get out of a ticket would cost me my clearance. The only time my former employer would intervene was during jury duty. That's the ONLY time.


I don't think of this advice I offer as anything other than common sense. If one can't conduct themselves accordingly, then I guess they deserve to get fleeced of legal fees to get them out of the trouble they got into... :roll:


I stand by my comments...


Mike :cool:

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Guest norm[T12SDSUD]

wrong yet again.....hhhmmmm


Don't know exactly why you felt the need to make that statement.


I wasn't saying that you were pulling strings. I meant that the fact that you work for the Intelligence community obviously means you are smarter than the average 18-25 year old and can conduct yourself in court on a level equivalent with most lawyers. Although if a judge happened to be aware of your profession I would say that he would be more inclined to let you slide.


Also, I was only talking about speeding and not DUI's and hit and runs and such.


And btw, I stand by my advice as well. Get a lawyer that will guarentee you that your ticket will be taken care of before you even pay the man. A GOOD Lawyer like I have knows what he can get me out of before he even goes to court.


I'd rather know my ticket is taken care of two days after I get my ticket instead of waiting 2 months for a court date hoping that I get a lenient prosecutor and judge.




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Guest ambersdad

True story...I use the GW Parkway quite often. A great piece of road unfortunately too close to Mikelly's former employer here in the DC area.


I'm very familiar with the road and while it has no real "danger" spots, if you get a bit too aggressive, you can end up in the median at best, or the trees at worst (not to mention the deer). In any event, one night late last summer before I took my car off the road, I decided I needed one more "joy ride".

Because the GW Parkway is Federal property, it is extremely well maintained -I have NEVER hit a pothole of any size. Perfect for a "fun run"


I thought I had scoped it out pretty well before leaning on it but obviously, I was wrong. Got clocked at 82 coming through a winding turn. Nothing I could do but pull over and wait for him to catch up.


BTW - this was at 3:30 AM


Because it was so dark, there are no lights on the parkway, the officer had no idea what had flown by until he pulled up behind me. After making sure he didn't have a drunk speeding nutcase on his hands, he launched into the "WTF were you thinking diatribe" and I told him I just wanted one more ride before I started the stroker project and of course he broke into the biggest S%$# - eating grin I've ever seen on a cop. Said he used to own a Z, wished he'd never sold it, etc.


Bottom line, be decent to the cop from the start as they have a lot of discretion. Avoid the DA, Judge, lawyers - yellow-pages and others. More than likely, not only will the cop appreciate the courtesy, but they probably appreciate that fine HybridZ and you can take the conversation into a completely different direction.


Just my .02

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Good two cents!

No guarantee. Especially if one misses the hidden radar shooter or they park after you have been through scoping for a turn around pass.

Would be nice if a track was available in all of our areas. Certainly would be the correct fix for the need for speed.

I was pulled over several times when I was stationed in South Carolina by the local peace officers just so they could scope out the ride. Cops like toys to. Quite a few anyhow.


And by the way Mike, that particular car was a built to the bone early Z28. A Chevy!:mrgreen: Ha!

Cheers to the times that we have all "gotten" away with what we do more often than not. Guilty? Who me? :cheers:

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Congrats to ZeeBoost.

Did you get a copy of the dissmissal?

I have kept several as mementoes and to remind me to try harder to be smarter. Of course avoiding citations is eaiser that beating them.

My favorite is one that I didd'nt beat cause you just couldn't beat the deal. 125 in a school zone!! Paid 26.50!! No joke! Is a long but interesting story for another day but know this....it wasn't really a school zone. I was finally pulled over next to a bus stop at 8:30 in the evening. And I was going a hell of a lot faster than 125!! I was going to fight the school zone thing as it was a potential loss of license. When given the court date, I was not going to be able to make it as I was out of state. When I asked what I could do to clear the matter sooner. The clerk said pay the fine of 26.50 and it would be filed with prejudice. Needless to say the coins were falling all about.Come to find out the big concern was the car I was racing. I was mearly a bystandard to them....but not inocent.:roll:


Mike? A Camode? Why yes, back in the day I used to love two door rattle and glove boxes that would fall off in my hand!!:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Gotta grow up somehow!!

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  • 2 months later...

It came back! Just got a notice in the mail stating that I have another court date scheduled for May 9th (I think) for the speeding ticket. I stopped by the office at lunch, but go figure, only on Wednesdays do they close at 12:00. I hope this just turns out to be something minor. The thing that worries me is that I have no proof/signatures that they dismissed the ticket. I asked them if I needed to sign anything and they told me that I didn't have to, and I was free to go. Lewis -- please advise!!! I'm assuming it was filed without prejudice, but for what reason would it be brought back up again? Ahhh...this stinks

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Guest norm[T12SDSUD]

This is the exact reason why I just pay my lawyer $150 to handle my tickets.It's settled I don;t have to go to court and I have no further worries about the ticket.


Hopefully it's just something minor and you will be ok.



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