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How to deal with graduation?


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Hey guys, its my senior year of high school and i came to the realization that in 6 months ALL of my friends will be off to college. I have abou 7 close friends that i hang out with every weekend any weekday that we can get time, 2 are going to Pitt, one to Philly, one to a tech school in scranton, one to Texas A&M, 2 that are undecided, but do not want to stay here. I however, will be attending the local community college for 2 years before transfering. This just kinda hit me hard tonight and i don't know how to deal with it. Yeah, i'll find new friends.. but what about the guys that i just spent the last 8 years of my life with? I love this area, i can drive to visit ALL of my family in under a half hour, and I plan to come back to my high school to teach. It doesn't help that my brother is getting married and moving out this summer.


I'm just looking for some advice, until then... trying to make the best of these short months.

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Well, there's really nothing you can about your friends, short of locking them in your basement/garage. I doubt they'd stay friendly very long after that.


I was in your place back in '04, but went a drastically different direction for a seriously stupid reason. It's picking up though.


Look at it this way. Do the CC for two years, then transfer as a junior to one of the colleges that your friends attend. College is completely different then HS, you'll start all over again and then scatter, again.


Don't sweat the small stuff, it'll be great.

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make friends with your car, now that your old friends are outta the way there is really some time for modification!!! i did the exact oppsite, I moved away and went to college where i dont have many friends, and all my car buddies/old friends stayed in the area after highschool working and what not.. i come home on hte weekend to work on my car and hang with my friends

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Working on the car is a good idea, but i don't have a garage, and i'll be paying for school, i'm trying to go with very few loans. As far as transfering to their schools, there are only two schools in the state that have the major that I want, and only one that will let me student teach at my high school.

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every one of my friends moved...


2 best friends .. one since 1st grade.. and one since 6th grade.. all moved.. to Cali and to Texas...



all of the girls I dated moved away and my buddies from high school..


I stayed at home, and go to a state college, and decided not to pay the rediculous cost of dorms and rent... more money for school and flight time..



it's not that bad though... keep up with your friends .. they come home ALL summer, for winter break, spring break etc..


soo it's not like ya won't see them again..


however.. they change alot.. my friends that went to CU boulder and CSU came back over summer, and were definatly "different" ...


but eh.. it's life.. people have to move their seperate ways

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When I went to college it was me moving away from my friends. We all sort of scattered though... some went military, and most of the rest were kind of in and out of different colleges. None of them went to the same college I went to.


Really, it wasn't too bad. I made lots of new friends and kept in touch with the old ones by email/snail mail/phone. Me and my old friends would get together every year or two...

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make friends with your car, now that your old friends are outta the way there is really some time for modification!!! i did the exact oppsite, I moved away and went to college where i dont have many friends, and all my car buddies/old friends stayed in the area after highschool working and what not.. i come home on hte weekend to work on my car and hang with my friends


I'm in the same situation except no cars allowed on campus for freshman.... maybe sophomores too... and well... not many car guy's here either.


You'll find new friends and come up with other things to do, just remember to stay in touch.


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High school will become a distant memory, probably not worth remembering. College is where it's at, pleanty of new people and good friends. The distance won't sour a friendship as long as they were "real" friends, cause that lasts forever. Your worrying about something that you have no control over and that is really just life, your not the first one to feel that way and you won't be the last.


We are all still your friends!

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I know what you mean, its my senior year too. Most of my friends are going to community college here and San Jose State, a couple into the military, and I'm going to Ventura for film school. Its going to be weird never seeing friends I've had for years, and some that I've had since I was in kindergarten.

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the fact is all good things come to an end, but new and better things will arise. im going to college 1300 miles from home and most of my friends stayed local. luckily i was able to bring a car which makes sense though cause i am going to school for restoration. but you always have winter and summer breaks which almost equals about 1/3 of the year. as proxlamus said people change alot though. and another great side affect of college; road trips, haha.

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