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Wrecked... is this feasable?

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Uh' date=' let's not get carried away here...


Silcone you shoudl read some of my posts on the valve train thread that's going on right now. I feel stoooopiiid, but I'm learning and that's what counts! :)[/quote']



Well Bill, I'm so stupid about valve train geometry that I just eyeballed mine and said it was OK. As it turns out, my eyeballin was off so that my pushrods turned out too short. I couldn't figure out for 2 weeks why I had no compression. Brilliant. Simply brilliant.

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Don't try to fix the TA' date=' the reason the buy back from the insurance co. is low is that they KEEP the TITLE to the car. You can fix it and apply for a reconstructed vehicle title but, if you change your mind and try to sell the car it won't be worth much.

Buy a Z car, alot of fun to drive even if stock.[/quote']


insurance company dosent always get the title to the car, the title never left my familys hands when they totaled my car because we immediately bought it back. since then the car has been titled in my name only. i can rebuild it and it will have a 100% clean title.

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Different states have different laws in regard to insurance. IF the car is totaled, which it may or may not be, the title doesn't necessarily become the property of the insurance company. In CA, if the car is totaled, you can buy it back, but it has a SALVAGE title, I think it's the same in TX. In CA, the title will ALWAYS be Salvage.


Tell you insurance company that you want it fixed, it's probably not as bad as you think if you were going slow, and then you can sell it with a CLEAN and original title. Find similar or identical cars listed for sale and site them as the value of the car.


It would be worth it to fight with them over the value rather than resign yourself to doing a Z project. Doing a SBC swap is not easy, nor is it something you can just decide to do. There are lots of hidden costs, as with any such project. I don't want to try and discourage you, but I'd try and fix my TA if I had one.

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dude, that damage is not that bad, put a tire on it and see if it pulls hard to one side or another. most body shops would cut off the damaged part and weld a new part on from about the middle of the tire forward. $2000 including parts max id say.. that car isnt totaled, fix it. if you want 240Z buy one to toy around with, fix your trans am. find a body shop that will fix it and not put the bags back in it, thats going to be the most expensive part of the whole deal. deffinatly worth fixing

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  LS1 240Z said:
dude, that damage is not that bad, put a tire on it and see if it pulls hard to one side or another. most body shops would cut off the damaged part and weld a new part on from about the middle of the tire forward. $2000 including parts max id say.. that car isnt totaled, fix it. if you want 240Z buy one to toy around with, fix your trans am. find a body shop that will fix it and not put the bags back in it, thats going to be the most expensive part of the whole deal. deffinatly worth fixing


Yeah most cost will def be bags. Still... I'm expecting to get screwed enough by insurance rates that it'll really hurt to keep it.

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my insurance company totaled out my 01 Z28 for $12,000 we bought it back for $1500 if that gives you any idea, you will probably be able to buy your car back for like $500 or something STUPID. get your money and buy it back, DONT EVER LET THEM GET THE TITLE. then put a wheel on it and drive it till you figure out if you are going to fix it. its deff fixable

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  LS1 240Z said:
my insurance company totaled out my 01 Z28 for $12,000 we bought it back for $1500 if that gives you any idea, you will probably be able to buy your car back for like $500 or something STUPID. get your money and buy it back, DONT EVER LET THEM GET THE TITLE. then put a wheel on it and drive it till you figure out if you are going to fix it. its deff fixable


Yeah I was just saying the upside with still going datsun would be that sticking with the TA would kill me in insurance @ 20yo. With the datsun, I'd prolly be able to get a specialty car policy far cheaper, since I hardly even drive.

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i know that with state farm if you have a car classified as a primary driver, and then you can have a second one classified as a pleasure vehicle. my friend insures his 87 sprint and 00 Z28 for much cheaper than if he just insured the 00 Z28

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It's not that bad, but it is more than $2000 worth. You're looking more in the realm of $3500. Either way, the car is definately fixable. It's not that bad, it looks like you only hit the tire and not the wheel, so the front suspension and subframe are probably ok. Keep the TA, AND get a Z to "putter" around with in your spare time.

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  wingnutthehutt said:
It's not that bad, but it is more than $2000 worth. You're looking more in the realm of $3500. Either way, the car is definately fixable. It's not that bad, it looks like you only hit the tire and not the wheel, so the front suspension and subframe are probably ok. Keep the TA, AND get a Z to "putter" around with in your spare time.


Yeah maybe so. Are Z's cheap or pricey for insurance... being so old? I mean if I were to insure a Z as my primary and my TA as a low-mile "pleasure vehicle" as mentioned above.

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well, liability should run you about the same no matter what car you drive. If you cover the car the $ will depend on the book valvue, which will be very low. If you want to insure the actuall value of the vehicle w/ mods, then you'll have to get it apraised and all that. Right now mine just has liability but I really need to get it fully insured, even sitting on dollies!


Costing me about 25 bucks a month but I'm 30 and married.

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