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intresting lil project

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came across this on the net:


build your own portable gas powered welder.

I would prolly want to add on more gear to give options

for 12v dc and an inverter circuit for 120 ac.

I remember my father had a great big red lincon gas powered

unit. it did not put out a good sine wave though, so

had to be carefull what you pluged into it.

Still I would love to have a portable unit for field work.

to many projects...arg!


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I saw something like that in a Mother Earth News magazine 20 years ago. That guy simply bolted an alternator to a plain ole lawn mower and rigged up a belt. They had to add a battery or else the 3 1/2 HP motor would stall when the arc was initially struck.


Pretty good survival skills should one ever have to survive in a post nuclear apocalypse world.

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