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What does this stand for?


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Hey guys what does the DE stand for in RB26DET

and what does the RB stand for


I'm just wondering cause it's on all the new nissan engines i.e. vg30de/VQ35de


At least I know what the T stands for. timeing right? JUST KIDDING! turbo.


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rb = race bred

26 = 2.6 l

d = DOHC

e = electronic fuel injection

tt = twin turbo

t = single turbo


The RB part is not really what it stands for... Not too sure what RB stands for though. There are a lot of rumors as to what RB actually stands for. But IMO I think it means inline block?

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The "E" stands for ELECTRONIC ingnition.


Humm, I just reread my reply and noticed that I had shot myself in the foot, the "E" really stand for ELECTRONIC "INJECTION" and not ignition, I was probably tinking about something else at the time. Sorry.

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E actually stands for Nissan ECCS


Electronic something or other... their ECU controlled EFI system.


Are you shure? Cause I don't tink that the "e" in L28e and L28et standed for ECCS back in the 80's.


Don't want to argue, just asking for better knoledge.


P.S.: who was the manufacturer of the firs nissan system, was it BOSCH?

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Are you shure? Cause I don't tink that the "e" in L28e and L28et standed for ECCS back in the 80's.


Don't want to argue' date=' just asking for better knoledge.


P.S.: who was the manufacturer of the firs nissan system, was it BOSCH?[/quote']

and the E was used in the name for the redtop RB20s too, and they did not have ECCS. so i agree with alexideways

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Are you shure? Cause I don't tink that the "e" in L28e and L28et standed for ECCS back in the 80's.


Don't want to argue' date=' just asking for better knoledge.


P.S.: who was the manufacturer of the firs nissan system, was it BOSCH?[/quote']



I think that Bosch did make the first FI system for the L28 I think it was called "jettronic" but that could be total bull$hit, I'm just kind of pulling that out of my butt.


So the "e" in l28e is for electronic injection?

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Are you shure? Cause I don't tink that the "e" in L28e and L28et standed for ECCS back in the 80's.


Don't want to argue' date=' just asking for better knoledge.


P.S.: who was the manufacturer of the firs nissan system, was it BOSCH?[/quote']


Nissan ECCS has been around for a long time, no?


I was repeating something I read elsewhere years ago, about the E being for ECCS. If I am wrong, I blame my source. :mrgreen:



Bosch did make the Jet-tronic and K Jet-tronic.. not sure which the Z used, but I had an Audi 4000S back in the mid 90's that had K Jet-tronic on it. My friend who had a few Z's at the time let me borrow a book on the Bosch fuel injection when mine was broken.


I wouldn't call it electronic, thats for sure. Heh heh... its about as mechanical as electronic fuel injection can get. (speaking in terms of how modern EFI works)



I never use the term ECCS, though, I just say EFI to keep it simple when explaining the name of an engine to someone.

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