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That seems to be the consensus between most theorists. But as we all know sometimes anomalies exist in actual practice that don't fit the textbook guidelines.

I have seen the gauge loop and setup he used (think Bernard has as well) and at least I can attest to the numbers he posted. Same gauge used on both intake and exhaust with zero loss fittings. So even if the "pressure" was wrong, the delta reading was indistinguishable. My only lament was that I didn't have access to my old master gauge set and deadweight calibrator to set a gauge up with a better resolution (1/10 lb, instead of just 1 lb resolution). I have since bought some peizo transducers for my Fluke (for work) and the enxttime we get frisky we will use those to check the pressure, electronically with a two-digit resolution to the right of the decimal. I think the differential on his old setup would be in the inches of mercury, or inches of water. I am pretty sure there is SOME restriction, just not sure how much of a differential. Less than 1# for sure!


People don't want to believe his .63 was working like that, but it was...


We haven't tested it with the GT series unit yet.

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