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Thinking of selling the V8 240Z...

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What do you think shes worth? What do you think i could do to increase the value? While i LOVE this car and have put more blood sweat and tears that i thouhgt possible into this project, its time to move to school and i just cant take her with me. Deppressing. I need a newer vehical (maybe a 350Z?) Anyways, with the practically new LS1 T-56, New LSD and halfshaft hardware, all the engine stuff its got...well here:




What do you think i could reasonably get for her. She runs great and is very sound. Thanks,


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That sux... are you SURE you can't keep it??? The problems with pricing something like this are 1) it's unusual/uncommon, and 2) current market trends. When I was searching for a car to purchase, I noticed that they seem to sell better (read higher prices) in spring and early summer. I'd suggest waiting a few months to sell it... until spring.

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Usually when people sell their project cars they end up selling for something like $5k-7k or .50cents on the dollar if your lucky. But seeing what you've done and all the upgrades you have maybe $8k-10K? More than that if a member here likes what they see then maybe another couple of grand or so, just a guess, or try selling on Evil Bay. Good Luck

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Mikelly... Why springtime? Just being nosey.


I won't have the additional storage/garage space until then, and I'm simply not buying something to have it sit outside... The trackZ doesn't have door windows and will sit in the primary bay of the shop. The M Roadster is sitting in the 2nd bay of the attached garage at the house and the Wife's bimmer isn't sitting outside... Won't do that to her.



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Mikelly... (springtime purchase) I was just curious because I've noticed that sports car sales seem to rise in the spring and summer months. This seems to be especially true for roadsters and convertibles.

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If not having a place to store it will be a temporary thing, sell it to someone for cheap with paperwork saying you can buy it back for ~5% more than what you sold it for anytime in the next xx months. Basically a loan with your car as collateral. If your price is pretty cheap, it shouldn't be too hard to find someone that's up for that.

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280Z28... Mmm... probably not the way to go. My experience with the majority people in our society is you CANNOT trust them. What if the buyer takes advantage and refuses to let him buy it back? Then he's just sold his car at half price and it will cost more in attorney's fees than his $5K loss. I say DON'T DO IT!! Our society is full of thieves and users. Another scenario is what if something happens to the car while it's on "loan"... wrecked, stolen, parts removed (probably by the "buyer"), blown angine, etc. I just think it's a huge risk.


Anyway... that's Just mt .02

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Marcus, Your car is to clean to sell man... If it's still forsale come spring, I may have to get with you on this one...




Well, I'll be here buddy. There's only one way that I don't think I'll let it go. And that completely depends on somebody else :(


I'm not actively listing it anywhere, just put it in my sigs on the sites I frequent. I'll add it to the cardomain site as well, but it's not going on Ebay or anything like that yet....I'll go that route if I get desperate for the money.

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It's not really a money thing for me, although the money would help.. I'm just losing interest. Like I said earlier, there's probably only one thing right now that could re-interest me, and that is on somebody else to finish and get to me, I just hope that it doesn't sell first...

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If $$$ isn't the issue then why don't you just pay someone else to finish it? You've done too much work and it's too nice of a car to just walk away unless you truly must. I've lost $$$ on my projects and I can tell you from experience that dumping it for 50 cents on the dollar will PI$$ you off in later years (at yourself for being so rash). Just my opinion and experience.

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Order one from 280Zone already. Then you can resell it later, nancy ;)


Yeah, well I would have already, but.....with a new baby on the way and the wife's uncertainty on employment, I just can't justify dropping $500 on that thing. Although I'd love to have it as a temporary fix!! I guess I can sell of all my crap in storage...


Wanna donate to the cause ....???? ;)

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If not having a place to store it will be a temporary thing, sell it to someone for cheap with paperwork saying you can buy it back for ~5% more than what you sold it for anytime in the next xx months. Basically a loan with your car as collateral. If your price is pretty cheap, it shouldn't be too hard to find someone that's up for that.


I've done that for friends before for 0% interest, they have always bought their things back. I've loaned money without collateral too, that almost never comes back!


Nice car, wouldn't mind owning it myself!

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