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Subframes...one is almost completed

Guest Anonymous

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I went over to Chris' house last night and took some pics of his existing old framerail on the drivers side and of the work he has don on the passenger side, the battery box, and the rotisary his dad built. I'll JPEG them and send them to Pete so he can put them up. Chris' dad and I talked for a few minutes while Chris was welding and his dad let it slip that Chirs has NEVER fabricated anything before, which will blow your mind when you see this work.






"I will not be a spectator in the sport of life!"


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Guest Anonymous


Originally posted by Drax240z:

Maybe I am a slow learner, but I picked up stick and MIG quickly enough, but it took me quite a while to get good at TIG. (By good I mean that I would be willing to weld $5000 of Titanium together) My partner in crime there had been TIG welding for 3.5 years to achieve bicycle frame quality welds... (PERFECT)



Not a slow learner at all, thats very respectable. Its not super easy (as I may have made it sound). To get those beautiful beads we see on Alum. parts could truly take a long time for a person to master.

Aluminum, or stainless welded by a master is truly a form of art, those series of beautiful stacked pools don't just happen for sure. Good point!





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Guest Anonymous

Mike is giving me too much credit!! I wish I could be more consistent with the welder but I have learned a great deal with the MIG over the past couple of months. I actually never have done any of my own fabrication before but worked at a place called "The Z Center" in Richmond, Va when I was in high school and did some stick welding on the "store" 510 race car. As you guys stated MIG welding is very easy compared to stick welding. I am glad I made the decision to invest in my own welder and do all of this myself, it has been a learning experience to say the least.


Pete if you read this, I helped develop (well, not a great deal) and build the closed coupe Cobra kit car that Glenn has sitting in his driveway...small world.

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Aww geez now I want a welder :-) I'm supposed to be getting upgraded electric in the garage here "soon" along with a benchtop snadblaster and a small 20gal parts washer. Reading all of this makes me think that just maybe I could do a halfway decent bit of welding if I have to :-) It would really make great sense for me to learn (sigh). I've seen aluminum welded more than once by a friend of mine - wow he does good work! I hope I can manage to get a rig to do aluminum one day and be half as good as he is. Talk about a handy tool to have around the house! Thankfully this Z doesn't have the really bad rust issues others have had so perhaps I'll be able to learn on something less valuable to me (hehe).


Good stuff guys, keep it coming!

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please post pictures!i have 77z that i use for street car and for deivers schools at sears point,laguna seca,thunderhill.i will be putting in a scca legal roll bar this winter and will be adding some side tubing running just under door handles and a tube running under dash.want pictures on frame rail work.

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  • 11 months later...


Originally posted by BLKMGK:

Aww geez now I want a welder... talk about a handy tool to have around the house!


Funny, that's the same argument I use whenever I want to buy something for "around the house." icon_biggrin.gif You are too cool, BLKMGK!



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