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Anyone have issues with Paypal?


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PayPal is known to be a rip-off. You're guilty until you prove your innocence. They take your funds and hold them until you either prove your case or just let it go. If it's a $50 deal, it's cheaper to let them $crew you.

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It seems that everyone has had a problem or two with PayPal. When I use PayPal, I still put it on a credit card, but I understand from a story in Wall St. that credit cards companies sometime will not help you if it is used thru PayPal. I agree that if your problem is $50 or less than you are out of luck. I have lost about $500.00 over the last couple of yrs. The most was S14 cars seats off Ebay that came torn with parts missing. Buyer Beware! (cavet empor... or something like that!)


I have loss a lot of enthusiasm of Ebay in general.

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