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Opel GT + 2.4l ecotec engine for my wife...comments?


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I have a couple of Opel GTs laying around and was thinking about starting a project with my wife on one of them this coming spring. I am trying to figure out, what engine would be good to drop in, without having to chop the car up to much. The Ecotec engine might prove to be a good bet. Tons of performance for these things...some of them are hitting 1000HP. And now with the introduction of the Solstice they come in RWD form too. So anyone here have any thoughts or comments? Maybe a different engine combo to suggest? What do you guys think of the Opel GT?


Anyway, just wanting to bounce some ideas off you guys. This is the most creative car forum I've found, even for non Z related things.




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First of all, you need to go share your "wife/relationship storie" in my "8 years allready" tread cause, not to many wifes are into cars let alone projects,


Second of all, your wife is a verry lucky girl


Third, it seem's like a good idea, lots of parts and info for cheap for this engine plus it's pretty reliable. In sutch a small car as the GT, it'd probably be a blast.


Keep us posted as this is verry interesting, i say go for it.

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Yeah, my wife is way cool. Been married for 7 months now, but I have known her for over 8 years. She is everything I could have imagined a great woman being...smart, funny, loving, and very beautiful. She likes to play Halo online as well...ha ha...not sure how I got so lucky. She likes to tinker with things as well, and has always wanted to help me restore the 240Z. Oh, I almost forgot...she can sing VERY well too, nothing like making diner together and have her sing or hum.....mmmmm sorry, getting off topic here.

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I've always liked Opel GTs and have seen a couple of conversions from 4cyl Quad 4 GM engines to 350 V8.http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Opel-Custom-Award-Winning-ProStreet-Talk-to-the-Builder_W0QQitemZ150050574363QQihZ005QQcategoryZ6390QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Here is a link to one done a while back for a 3.1 V-6 http://clubs.hemmings.com/clubsites/oana/tech/V6Conversion.pdf


I think it would be interesting to see if you can convert yours to the SC Ecotec and see how it runs. Good Luck:icon14:

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I also found out that a new Opel Gt is being buillt on the Solstice platform, would be kinda cool to have an old school Opel GT with the same drivetrain as a new one.


I won't be able to do much until early next year, as far as buying an engine or trans. But I can do the research now and be ready for it. I am hoping I can get ahold of a wrecked Solstice and pull the drive train out of that.


As far a engine electronics goes...I guess Mega Squirt could work.


I'll try and keep pics and write ups on both my 240Z (Turbo Tom setup) and the Opel. I'll be getting a digital camara by Christmas.

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How safe are they? I know this question is relative on many things, but...from the factory are there any major flaws with these cars? I found out the headlights would short out, but I'll be rewiring the car. What about the strenght of the car? Its tiny so I think I'll keep her under 250 HP.


Anyone know how well they handle on the road? I've never driven one. Just bought these off a friend dirt cheap.

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Get a Solstice GXP or Sky Redline 2.0 turbo engine. Or if you want, get a 2.0 Supercharged engine from an Ion redline or Cobalt SS. That would be a cool swap. I like Opel GT's...You could do a brown one like the car Don Adams drove on Get Smart. (now available for the first time ever on DVD from time life video...sorry, I've been waiting for that to happen for a long time)

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How safe are they? I know this question is relative on many things, but...from the factory are there any major flaws with these cars? I found out the headlights would short out, but I'll be rewiring the car. What about the strenght of the car? Its tiny so I think I'll keep her under 250 HP.


Anyone know how well they handle on the road? I've never driven one. Just bought these off a friend dirt cheap.


I used to have an early '70s GT. It was kind of fun but is VERY small - like try a helmet on inside one. If you are going to restore yours you may want to consider spending a little up front and save a lot down the road because you can find restored ones for only a couple grand (at least you could 5 or 6 years ago) as they basically have no value and well worn ones are just about free. There are at least a couple places that specialize in them - OpelGTSource is one but that's going from memory there. As far as safety goes the only memorable thing is that the gas tank is basically inside the car. There is a package tray area behind the drivers seat which mine was missing (it's a bolt in). Directly beind that tray is the gas tank so in mine if I turned around I saw the gas tank. This kind of concerned me but I never has any specific problems. Other thing that I didn't realize until after I bought it was the fact that there is no hatch!


Good luck as it could be a fun project.


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