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paint schemes...urban, patina, camo...pics, ideas


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Soon my 240 will be joining this crazy little paint club. I've been keeping it under wraps while I wait to move. I had been planning to do this for a couple of years to my truck, but potential resale value scared me away. I bought the 240 with the intention of making it into my urban assault vehicle. Most people will think I'm nuts, but it will make me grin ever time I walk out to the car. That's what matters, isn't it? On a semi-related note, I may be purchasing a deuce & half soon too...


If you dig the Volksrods, do a search for "Rat Patrol". It's been chopped and narrowed. Also, several years ago one of the Kit Car magazines had a project car with riveted on Alum panels. It was a Porsche 550 spider that was widened and put on a Lotuse Elise chassis with a Corvair engine. It was damn cool, and ended up looking like a suit of armor with the overlapping aluminum sheet. I can't remember the name to Google it. If you look at the pic below I'm sure you can imagine what it looked like.



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i have always tinkered with the idea of outlining every panel with rivets and paint the car like a jet


I tought of something like that too, would look awsome.



One other thing I tought would be the ultimate urban camo was: Get a good

airbrush artist, paint the car light grey and have him texture it to look like

asphalt then you paint one full and one dotted yellow lines running the lenght of the car and VOILÀ, cops won't see you before your on them.


"Yep this is car 104, calling 116 we have an unidentified piece of verry fast moving tarmac heading your way, please investigate, 10-4"

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I've been trying to look for pics of cars like what we have been talking about and there is not that much out there...Just rat rods which are just rusty cool cars...

Haven't found many urban attack cars out there...I'll keep looking.


Plus this is HybridZ...No purists here! :-) either for bodywork or drivetrains!

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I saw a yellow VW Beetle II painted like one of those Japanese cartoon creatures. It was funny because the car is actually shaped a bit like the critter. It had a tail sticking out of the rear (engine?) cover shaped like a lightning bolt just like the cartoon animal has.


EDIT: I think the critter's name is/was Picachoo... or something like that??

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hmm... time to go to the store and get some large construction paper...


Maybe a "Z" made in different sections with different colors...

the guy with the standard forest camo vw made his own stencils with large construction paper.


here is where he painted the bug... click on each pic in the link to see what he says about each one



I would like to use the camo but not by itself...I am thinking of some dirty faded black and yellow stripes on the rocker panels. Also I've been thinking of putting the Vin number on the doors in a military font.

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I think that if you do find a good airbrush artist then maybe you could paint the car so that it looks like you're going so fast that the paint is comming off the car, exposing rivited panels of sheet metal




i'll try to draw something up after i get back from class

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