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Some art I've been working on


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So I had a pretty crazy week that week, and had to reschedule the phone call. My wife's grandfather passed away earlier that week, so the funeral was right at the time of the phone call. Later that same day we had a rehersal dinner for a buddy's wedding (I was the best man, my wife the matron of honor), and then the next day we had the actual wedding. That was a really long week...anyway, I had the phone call last Tuesday, and they managed to tell me about the admissions decisions and scholarship opportunities without giving me any news at all...It turns out that the admissions part was just to say thanks for your patience, we haven't made any decisions yet, and the scholarship part was to say that they are trying to get the industry to pay for books for everybody. I was pretty bummed out, since the guy wasn't familiar with my situation from the next applicant. But I got another email today that said they wanted to have ANOTHER followup phone call to the followup phone call, so we'll see how this one turns out. I'm trying not to get my hopes up just yet...


In other news, here is a picture my mom took at the aforementioned wedding that's of my friend's wife that I photoshopped a little bit. The wedding was at the Florida Aquarium, by the way. It was pretty cool.


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So it turns out that UCF never actually got my transcripts, even though USF has a record of the day I sent them, as well as the address they were sent to...I re-transmitted them electronically, and they finally turned up at the school. I've been on the phone back and forth with the poor girl from the office that really went out of her way to help me out, and she told me I should be recieving my electronic acceptance notice sometime next week. So I suppose sometime after next year you guys and gals can expect to see a remake of 280 ZZZap! coming to an arcade near you!


In boring job news, I spent about 25 hours fabricating parts for my Jada model contest car, can't wait for that contest to play out. Also, I drew an Octopus Robot just for a change of pace.


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You`re getting better Max. I like the chrome effect. You should use white prismacolor pencil to define white reflections.


There is no shame in using "guides" when you do illustrations/renderings whatever you wanna call it.

Use, french curves, ellipse guides, different types of rulers. It`s the result that matters.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!


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Most of the incedental art on this thread was just something I was doodling to keep from going insane at my job...I really should invest in some different guides, all I've got is a circle guide and a straight edge. Pretty much everything I've put up was done directly in pen (with no pencil pre-sketching) on 8.5X11" white printer paper smurfed out of the nearest printer, and if colored, it was done with markers that I keep in my car for that purpose. I just got a gift card for my birthday to a large art supply store in town, and I've been meaning to pick up some more stuff, just haven't had the time lately. Maybe during the long weekend I'll be able to get to it.

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White heavy weight printer paper is very good for sketching.I never enjoyed sketching on vellum paper.

Stay away from AD Markers.(they have great colors but they are not so "precise" on any kind of paper except for vellum and they`ll give you a headache after awhile ) get prismacolor markers instead. Sharpie pens are great for small details, great color variation too.

If you want to sketch on something a little better, you should try Canson papers. They have different types. Good luck!



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  • 2 months later...

So my last day of work was Tuesday, and I'm now in the process of relocating to Orlando to go to school. I've already signed the lease, just have to get a Uhaul (or equivalent) and get the necessities down there (turntables, game systems, guitars...you know, the stuff you need when you're in college :wink:). Anyway, Orlandonites, take heed! I will soon be joining your ranks! Well, Monday through Thursday anyway, then I'll be back in Tampa with my wife for the weekends. Here's the last two incomplete drawings that came out of my dead end job:



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Thanks guys, I'm really looking forward to it. I dragged my wife to the unveiling of Master Plan, the game that was developed by the outgoing class tonight (http://www.masterplangame.com/), and we're both pretty psyched about getting into a field where I won't feel like a total waste.


Twentyfourouncer, funny you should mention that! The second picture (the gryphon) was intended to be part of a submission to an art scholarship contest set up in the 80's by L. Ron Hubbard (yes THAT L. Ron Hubbard, but he was a sci-fi author before he was a "religious entrepreneur") called the future author's/illustrators of america contest. I still might use it, I'm not sure if I like it 100% yet. I wanted to do a really feral, wild looking gryphon since you typically see them all majestic and relatively tame looking in fantasy art. Birds of prey always have a bit of the insane in their eyes when you look at them, and I wanted to impart some of that into this picture.

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I'm downloading Master Plan right now :D


If you do a second draft of the griffin try lowering the top beak so you can see both eyes. That will help it look like the bird is looking at the viewer and portray the "crazy" part better. But then again I know nothing about art, so don't mind me if what I just said makes no sense.

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If I use it, I'll just finish this one. It's not really looking at the viewer, I was going to put a pair of legs like a rock climbing thief was in the top left of the page, but I needed to take a step back from it for awhile and see if I was still happy with the composition.


Master Plan is pretty cool, but you need a hot rod system to run it :wink: Keep in mind it's going to be a little short because it was a student game that was pretty much produced entirely over the course of a semester. I was talking to the guy who wrote the code that tells the buildings how to blow up randomly the other night at the release. He was pretty cool, my wife and his girlfriend got along pretty well. I just spent all day today moving my furniture in to the apartment. Man that was a long day! Rolled the U-haul into the return center with one mile to spare from the prepaid miles...

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  • 4 months later...

Whew, that semester flew by! Fun, but super busy! I learned a ton of stuff I didn't know that I didn't know...but I guess that's why we go to school, right? We had some cool assignments, one of which was to do a development plan for an existing game as if we were going to make it from scratch or update it in some way. My team chose the original Mega Man game, but we decided we'd do it in Torque Game Builder. We also re-set it in a Steampunk universe, and gave it a moodier look. That was a really fun assignment, but I'd rather have done Castlevania. Got outvoted...



Also, I've been learning Autodesk Maya 8.5 and recently upgraded to 2008. It's been slow going, but I'm getting the hang of it. We had to make a wrestler for a recent assignment, so I decided I'd make Starman from NES Pro-Wrestling. I'm not sure I'm totally happy with it, but I'm still tweaking it:


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At the end of semester one, all the people in the Production track have to pitch a game idea, and all the students vote on it. The top two picks are the games that we all make for the rest of our time here, so it's pretty important that they don't suck. My roomate in Orlando is a Programmer, and I'm an Artist, so we didn't HAVE to do it for a grade. It was 90% of the producers' grade, so they take it pretty seriously. Well, he and I decided we could make a game that was AT LEAST as good as what these guys could, and so we started to come up with an idea. We ran it by the programming teacher, and he shot it completely down as undoable one week before the presentations. It was scramble mode hell for the rest of the week, but we finally got our idea to the point where it was pretty solid. We were up till 4am almost every night last week, and thursday night we had to stay up all night to finish. Our PowerPoint got done during the 3rd presentation, we were 9th. I was so tired, my eyes were all bloodshot, and I hadn't even seen the powerpoint presentation all the way through to know what slides were what. I DID know the game idea inside and out, so unfortunately I had to do the looking at the screen to know what I'm supposed to talk about here technique of presenting...Anyway, we easily had the least flashy presentation, but the most fleshed out game idea, and we came in third place in the votes. However, the first place game was so completely out of scope that the faculty scrapped it. Which meant that the second place game and the third place game would be the winners. So our game is totally getting made! My roomate gets to be lead programmer, and I get to be lead artist! I'm really looking forward to it, it's going to be awesome! Now that I've gotten some sleep, it seems a little more real...Here's some of the concept art I did for the presentation:




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Our final in the art class was themed "sparkling rust." basically we could do anything we wanted that met that qualification. I came up with a bunch of ideas:





but didn't like any of them really...So I decided to use the Octobot pic from earlier in this thread. It's due tonight at midnight, here's what I've got so far:



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