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Time to choose a seat!!!


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I have been pondering the choices in seats...


I am at a point that I must have the actual seats I will use in order to finalize the mounting points and seat back brace...


I am looking at 2 very different seats... one is a fiberglass shell with only one size and the other is an aluminum race seat with a wide variety of sizes to choose from...



The Fiberglass seat I am looking into is the Sparco Ultra




The Aluminum Seat is the Ultra Shield, Rally Sport seat...





The Sparco fiberglass seat has no size options... It is what it is....


The aluminum race seat is offered in 14-18" sizes and the back angle can be 10-20*(degrees).... This is where I have some questions...


My belt size is 32"... My butt is 15" wide sitting down(loose fit with wheel calipers)... I am used to My Adjustable Recaro and my non adjustable Corbeau seat...


I have found that the angle of the Corbeau Forza is advertized as 78*... I can assume that is a 12* layback... I always feel like the Forza needs more layback...

I always remove the bottom seat pad when I wear a helmet to gain some roof clearance... This makes the thigh bolsters too tall to allow for any more rearward angle by using washers under the front mounts... therefore a little more backrest angle built into the seat might be the ticket... but hte seat bottom of the aluminum racing seat wont have the problems that arise when I remove the bottom pad...

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Did you read my thread on the Ultra Shield? Might help with some of your issues. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=103817


You can change the angle of the seat a bit by raising the front or lowering the rear. I personally wouldn't go with a 20 degree seat though, to me that feels like I'm laying down. It's a preference thing though, so that may be fine for you.


If you're going to mount it on sliders you need the mounts SHORT. I made mine from 1" square tubing and it came out just right. If you go too tall you'll be in trouble. Whatever you do, tack it in and make sure its right before you weld stuff together. If you're not going to mount the seat on sliders it should be a lot simpler.

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I've found that the level of support and comfort is directly proportional to the cost. I went to the local BMW motorsport shop and sat in at lease 5 different seats, and the Imola GT was probably number 4 where 1 is the best. He sold me the floor model for $450, which is a good price.


The most amzing seat I sat in (at $1500) was this one:



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Pete: how big are you? (sorry for personal question) I bought a Momo start. They are cheap for an FIA approved seat (about $300) but that sucker is tight. I am 6' about 200 pounds and I can fit my but in it but it isn't real comfortable. And we are talking track comfort here (race car) My pants size is 32 inseam, 38 waist. I want a composite seat, and expensive is not that big a deal (ya gotta do what ya gotta do) I noticed your cobra is a GT, is that the larger size?I know they make sperco (sp?) in bigger sizes also. How much does your cobra wieght? (what is 7 kg in lbs.?) Anybody else with experience with composite race seats?

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The Imola GT I have is the wider version, and yes I need it. We are about the same size (6'2", 240lbs, 38" waist). This seat fits me great width wise. I wish the back was a little higher (my shoulders are at the top of the harness slots). I'm part owner with two other guys that are 5'6" 150, and 5'6" 220, so it fits all of us, but not perfectly. It is very light weight. It probably fits the 5'6" 220 co-owner the best.

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i had a aluminum seat in my car for daily driving. it was 16" wide. (im 6'0" and built like a ape) 10 deg layback. note the had. also the aluminum seats all crack over time, doesnt matter what brand. you really cant weld them either, they still crack somewhere else. i even plated the sides a bit to try and control the cracking, didnt work. aluminum just cant stand the flex of getting in and out.

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I had an ultrashield in my 280Z before the SCCA got a hold of me, but that is another story.


I picked up a 16" 20 deg seat and I like it alot, makes steering and shifting much better then the stock seats.


I have a 35" waist am 73" tall.


Now I am mounting mine on 1/8 flat steel directly to the 280Z slide rail ends and my head clears the roof by about 1/2" with my helmet on.


With the seat cushion in place my seat is 15 1/4" wide at the harness thru points.


I would go with a 15" 20 deg and I hope this helps some.



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