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280z will not start


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My 77 280z has been having fuel problems and i had to replace the fuel tank and fuel pump. I though the car wouldnt start because the fuel wasnt flowing but now that it is it still wont start. the furthest point i have checked for fuel is on the fuel "rack" (not sure if that is the correct term) just after the fuel line splits to opposite ends of the block. what could be stopping it from starting? electrical issues? injectors? any help will be appreciated.

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Guest Surfsup

does it crank? if not starter, or altenator, i had the same problem with my z.. but ..did u check youre battery? whats the voltage? .. and the sparkplugs maybe those are out? or the distributor cap , rotor, etc..? hope that helps



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I can only asume this is an nissan l6

ok if you got fuel presure ate the rail (that is the term)

I would use a screw driver on the injector body other on your ear (cheap stethescope) have a friend turn the engine over. you should hear a disticative click, click , click. it will have a faster pace than the other engine "noises".

if no check ecu. if yes pull spark plug wire from #1 cly put another plug in and ground it well. if theres a good blue spark check compression. if theres no spark check ingition system.

hope this helps

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when i connect the battery the fuel pump automatically turns on and does not stop at all. i left it on for less than a minute and the pressure built up so much that gas started to leak from one of the connections of the fuel lines, so i dont think that fuel pressure is a problem

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well if its leaking because of so much pressure your regulator is probably fualty, but that shouldn't keep it from starting. i would check to make sure the injectors are actually fireing and do a compression check.

engine needs compression, spark(at the right time) and fuel to run

i would pull you distributor cap and make sure the rotor is lined up with #1 when #1 is a tdc.

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ok so I have tried a little more stuff but nothing seems to work. I tried the gas soaked rag again and this time it wouldnt start. Since the last time i have changed the spark plugs, but the ones i put in are new. I tested the #1 spark plug cable on a ground for a spark and there was one. as far as testing the injectors all i have done is take one of the connectors off and test the voltage as i tried to crank it and the meter read 0. not sure where else to look and the means i have to test are limited due to lack of knoledge and proper equipment. any suggestions with this information?

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what i suggest is doing a compression test. im sure one of ur friends has a tester and its simple from their. if ur not reading the correct compression then its a headgasket or piston rings. if it reads good compression check ur distibutor cap and rotor and spark plug wires... also dont do the rag thing just buy a can of starter fluid spray it in their and let it rip.

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use a screw driver as a stethascope (haynes tells you exactly how. its andold trick) on you injectors to be absoluty sure they are indeed not functioning. from there its generaly bad wiring or bad ecu.


no compression means more than bad rings or gasket. If a valve is bent/stuck the cylinder will not build compression, furthermore if the cam is not timed correctly it will have no or little compression (if the cam is to far out of time bent valves are a possobilty)


PS the auto parts store will loan you a compression tester for a small deposit refundable when you return the tool.

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