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snow in central texas?


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When I was in Longview TX in 2004 we had some snow, maybe 1/2". Funny to see people react that had never seen snow before. Those of us used to snow being measured in ' and not " were amused.


Has it been fairly cold lately or is this a freak cold crack?

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Yup, we got some snow too in Waco, TX. Man, just a couple days ago it was 80 degrees! It was funny we were in a restaurant and then someone said look it's snowing, like the world is coming to an end. My wife and I were like OMG! It was funny. It was like they never saw snow before. :D But it is kinda odd in April in here Texas. Let it snow...my dogs had fun in it. :D

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update for where i live, just yesterday it was 75 degrees here....... now it is in the high 30's. just b/f i posted this i went out to measure how much was in the street and it was about 3/4"


this was about 2 hours ago



and this one 1 hour ago


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Yeah it is...I just saw the weather report on TV...your area...Bell County, maybe one to three inches!! Crazy...oh well...enjoy, it'll be hot sooner or later, then you're gonna wish for this. I made a snow man outside...it isn't very big, but it's a snow man, than my dog bit it's head off. Ha ha

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Yah, it's been weird weather up here even! Last two weeks it was a perfect spring.. temps steadily going up, the 4 feet of snow (6' banks in my driveway) had ALL melted, hot rods and street bikes were out, I actually wore just jeans and a t-shirt to work a few days! (as opposed to long johns, two shirts and a sweater, ect) and now, it's like the begining of Feburary again! Been snowing pretty steady for the past 3 days now, I'd say about 10-12" has dropped, and it's friggin COLD again!! :mad:


Oh well.. if it's the 'end of the world as we know it' (and I feel fine...:lol: ) there isn't much we can do about it NOW.. If this is 'it' ..well.. I just want one more sunny day to drive the Z! :)

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Drove through an Ice storm in New Mexico on the way back from Vegas. It was nuts suv's and trucks rolled all over 3" of ice, the semis were running chains. I'm still running 60 mph and who was left on the road was creeping at 10-15 mph. I even passed a cop lol.

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