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Just got an Auto Darkening Helmet.

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I just went down to princess auto and picked up their auto darkening helmet adjustable from shade 9-13 No button for grinding tho But it works Great! And the very best part is that right now they are on sale for 55$!!!!!! If you have a non auto darkening rush out and get one of these they work great for the price only thing is for about 5 minutes before your going to weld let it sit close to a light source other than that like I say its great Iam happy.

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it's the biggest improvement you cna make in your weds form my experience, I got a jackson years ago and it was like $200, the lens has gotten scrathed up and I picked up a cheapie at HF for like $50 and it works every bit as well

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The auto darkening helmet has to be the best thing made since sliced bread. It helps me actually weld where I want to weld. When you have limited skills, like me, than you have to use every advantage you can. ;)

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Guest blindjoe

How are your eyes afterwords? I use one of the KMS specials that came with the welder, and my eyes get all skratchy after using it for a while because its too slow even on the fastest setting. Also I can't use my lights anymore because the reflection off the piece darkens the lens. I keep saying I will buy a miller, but they are so pricey and I don't know if they will be any better.

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millers are FANTASTIC I love them Have one at work its amazing this princess auto one is just fine it works great and I havnt noticed any problems with my eyes you might need to darken it up abit that might help too. The Helmets are on sale for another 4 days for 55 from 100 so you might want to pick one up asap.

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they are supposed to have a uv filter so even when they aren't drak they filter out the uv it's just to bright to see anything, I've never had any eye problems but I NEVER! weld without a helmet, a lot of people do the blink and tack, I always wear my helmet


I have however gotten metal stuck in my eye in 4 occasions for not wearing saftey googles, yup I'm a slow learner

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Guest TeamNissan

Ya, I'm guilty of just turning my head for a tack too lol.


You know its funny you guys bring up stuff in the eyes too. I had to use a rare earth magnet to get a lovely sliver out of my eye a few months back. Piece of metal bounced off something went through the vent in the side of my goggles and right into my eye lol.


As for the helmet, good heads up because for 55$ I'm buying one as we speak.

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I ended up getting the harbor freight helmet for 59 dollars... :D can't be happier! that thing works awesome. If there is anything I'd do to it to make it better... would be adding some type of drape over the back so light from behind you doesn't reflect off the inside.

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I ended up getting the harbor freight helmet for 59 dollars... :D can't be happier! that thing works awesome. If there is anything I'd do to it to make it better... would be adding some type of drape over the back so light from behind you doesn't reflect off the inside.


I have the same helmet and have been real happy with it for the last 4 years.

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I know a really good painter Iam going to get him to airbrush myne! hes going to regular flames clear coat it then satin ghost flames over top of those should look kind of neat. BUT we will see if he ever gets around too it . . . . .

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Guest TeamNissan

I know they are stickers lol, was just a joke. I really got it for the large viewing area and decent reaction time. The stickers are like a bonus :-).

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got that helmet too :D


works pretty well. it's actually made by the company called antec.

there are a number of the same model on the internet, and tehy are 30 bucks canadian, but they go up in price to justify the cost of shipping, so i drove to princess auto and got one there =)

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I used to use a HF model helmet. what got me to get rid of it was the low amperage response with aluminum. Also the reflection from aluminum would cause it to trigger sometimes. And it had some dark areas. but for fiddy bux??? that's definately hard to beat! I ended up replacing the HF with the speedglas.

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How are your eyes afterwords? I use one of the KMS specials that came with the welder, and my eyes get all skratchy after using it for a while because its too slow even on the fastest setting. Also I can't use my lights anymore because the reflection off the piece darkens the lens. I keep saying I will buy a miller, but they are so pricey and I don't know if they will be any better.


Fluorescent work lights don't false trigger the autodarkening lens. They also seem to put out a spectrum of light that isn't filtered by the welding lens making it much easier to see even during the weld.


I had the same problem when I used halogen work lights.


And I did modifiy my HF helmet to drap a cloth over the back to keep from getting blinded by the back light. but now I just put the fluorescent drop light right next to the weld.

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