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My sister Kicked MY Z


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Hell with that. I'd go ape**** if my sister even laid a finger on any of my cars. You ought to go out in the middle of the night (or once she's in for the evening) and beat the living crap out of her car (or something really valuable). Then, blame it on vandals.


Or you could be mature and just make her pay for it.

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The argument started over me telling her that she was stupid for wrecking her 240sx, and seizing the enging in her 3000gt by knowningly running it without oil for months, which were both purchased for her by my family. Then after she ruined those 2 cars my mom and grandma decided to buy her a 2005 altima..... the argument escalated once I told her she was a slut for sleeping (had sex) with a friend of mine (who is a complete dickhead to begin with)


Pics of the dammage will come soon :D

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the argument escalated once I told her she was a slut for sleeping (had sex) with a friend of mine (who is a complete dickhead to begin with)


Pics of the dammage will come soon :D


I wanna see some pics of the damage now! And I don't mean the Z. I think your best course of action would be to get naked pictures of her and plaster them over the internet. THen also hook me up with a date so I can show her a very crappy time and the best mediocre sex she's ever had. (assuming she is over 18. Otherwise the previous statements are withdrawn immediately)

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I wanna see some pics of the damage now! And I don't mean the Z. I think your best course of action would be to get naked pictures of her and plaster them over the internet. THen also hook me up with a date so I can show her a very crappy time and the best mediocre sex she's ever had. (assuming she is over 18. Otherwise the previous statements are withdrawn immediately)


rolfcopters. lmao.


Well, I say tie her up blind fold her and take her somewhere, where she can run free. Then she'll see how the world will hit her.


I hate people that are like, "daddy, daddy, gimme gimme." and don't know how to be greatful by taking care of it. The least she could of done, was "daddy, daddy, change my oil"




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