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Wilwood pedal assmebly question

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If you search you'll find some info on this.


viperredls1z has a wilwood setup that's an extremely clean show car type install.


I had a thread on modifying the stock pedal box to accept dual masters.


Johnc makes a dual master adapter that bolts to the firewall and the masters just bolt straight in.

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The pedals cannot be installed in with the foot pads in the stock location. You will have interference with the stock steering column, which I believe was your question. You have a couple of options. You can modify the column or live with the pedals being a little further apart. If you're a left foot braker having the pedals more to the left isn't a bad thing.



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Once again thanks to jmortensen, Viper's assembly was really nice, everything seemed to fit well with no modification to the column. We have this new fabricator here, and he as cutting and hacking all sorts of columns apart to get them to work and i couldnt understand for the life of me we he couldnt just slide the pedal over and inch or to to clear the column. Then after it was all said and done, I realized it have to be done the way it is to fit center with the S14 dash. All in all it actually looks pretty good, I will try and get some pictures up soon, Thanks for the help, I will try to get better with my searches

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