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T/C rods snapped...please help

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Hi there...I need some help. My tension compression rod snapped again. fmad.gif This is number three. The first one was trial and error and it was my first one where I torque it in the air. I run poly bushing and now I torque them to specs while on the ground, but what am I doing wrong that these break like twigs. They are breaking at the threaded joint/bushing coupler. Now, I hit a pot hole, but not very deep. Just enough to snap my rod. I was wondering if someone made stronger rods for the '79 to '83 model? I have an '81. Thanks for any help in advance. hail.gif



1981 280ZXT

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When fitting harder bushes to the compression rods its not a bad idea to fit them only to the front and fit a standard rubber one to the rear. This will take the compression force but still allow it to flex up and down with out over loading the machined step that retains the front washer.


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RB30-ZED: I've heard of that...putting the rubber on the back side and poly of the front, does it really work? I've also heard of drilling holes around the poly bushing...some guy who owns a 510 did that. But the rubber/poly combo sounds like it would reileve some stress.


Mike: Hey man, I could mail the old rod to you...right now I have a transportation problem, though. This Z was my only car, but I'm getting a another car, but don't know when. So, it's the old bike transportation to and from work. I work on Langley AFB. I'm putting the Z in the garage and just building up for a road race setup. And since I heard about your products I was inspired to go with that setup. I'm also going with the ground-control suspension, but I have yet to talk to those guys and see if they make them for the ZX. Mike, about the T/C rod hit me back with the address and what we should do on my email, thanks.


Thank you all for your help...if find any more info, please let me know. Thank you. hail.gif

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Well I'm gonna start...Chris is sending me a TC rod and I'm gonna hopefully come up with something for him there... I also need to get hands on a Control arm for the front of a ZX... If anyone has one laying around and could send it, I might be able to fab something up for the front...



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