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Getting a 2nd Job??? Need Advice.....


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Wife and I had fight, of coures about money. I make good money 90K-ish and she has a new business in Interior Design..... slllllllooooooooowwwwww. Were (I) just over spend, don't want to blame her.


Anyway, I do ebay to support my habbits, but I'm thinking of a second Job. I've ALWAYS wanted to be in sales and have been told to go into sales and have been asked if I'm in sales, so I want to give it a shot.


Suggestions? Would like to do it part time, see money come in and be worth my while (No Amway (etc.), not that there is anything wrong with it.)




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Find something you enjoy talking about, find something that you know inside and out, find something you believe in. Then sell it.


Ding Ding Ding!! We have a winner! If you have good presence and are selling something with a market that you KNOW and BELIEVE in, you will do well.

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Write a buget+stick to it+ pay off bills=lots of money without more work. The practice in dicipline will also help in a lasting marriage! You can take that to the bank! pun.


I just realized how much money I've been wasting. I just went through my budget and should make enough, with a little left over.


There were categories that can be adjusted lower with discipline.


Good advise non the less.

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I'll input my $.02.

Car sales is NOT fun for someone just entering the business. Its a total different sale than any other sale out there. You are percieved as a liar by customers and will be treated like one. Business is VERY cyclical for a beginner until you have repeat customers.

I'm a leader in my business for sales and I've tried car sales as I thought it would be a good fit since I love cars, know cars and I can sell. Not the case with car sales.

its all in your personality though, some can, some can't. I couldn't, yet I'm #1 in my office and #4 in my company currently at age 25... who knew...


good luck though, I'm just saying car sales isn't anywhere near what I'd want in a 2nd job.

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If you try car sales just be honest I would much rather have a honest sales man then one who says the rust on the brake rotors is a coating to make them last longer and doesn't tell me to go WOT in a new SE-R. Then there was that honest sales man who got out money. Just FYI from a customers stand point.

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I think you should really think about things and prioritize. Is it worth it to have a second job and not have any free time or time to spend with you family... just so you can spend more on toys and not have time to use them?


I think it will just lead to more arguments in the long run. Most people would be overjoyed to be able to bring in 90K a year.

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I think you should really think about things and prioritize. Is it worth it to have a second job and not have any free time or time to spend with you family... just so you can spend more on toys and not have time to use them?


I think it will just lead to more arguments in the long run. Most people would be overjoyed to be able to bring in 90K a year.


Hoke, If i remember correctly, you are a realitivly (to me at least) young guy, that's about as good as advice as I could ever hope to have at your age.


JSM, I am about to be in almost exactly the same boat, my wife leaving a 50K'ish accounting job and going back to school for graphic design next semester. I don't make much more than her, but I'm pretty sure we can easily manage on what I make. True, Tulsa is probably alot cheaper than Floriday, but like Hoke stated above, it's about setting priorities. My car has been a project for 4+ years now, always taking 2nd or 3rd to whatever else is going on in my life, and it's ALWAYS there when I'm done w/ those other things.


Support your wifes endevors first, if sales is something you want to pursue, go for it. Life is too short not to enjoy what you do for a living.


My .02

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I got a couple of pennies too. 1- There's some smart people here, 2-Communication is key, know the problem, get a plan. If a second job is the answer, that's fine. If a second job is to support a out of contol lifestyle, that opens a can of ugly little worms.

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