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4 barrel carb conversion questions


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If i put a 390cfm holley carb on my 240z, will i need a new needle and seat or anything to make it run right? what kind of adjustments are recommended. i am also curious about recommended mileage for a timing chain replacement? recommended cams for mostly street use but that will give me a little git up'n go

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Have you tried SEARCHING my young chap? :D










The list goes on and on and on and on....


As for the timing chain... unless it's broken you likely DON'T need to replace it. They are double wide and very durable. If you rebuild the motor, then replace it.


Cams... again, SEARCH. There's many many many threads about cams. w00t! :D

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I'm going to field this one, since


A: I've owned three of these setups over the years.


B: I'm feeling generous and kind.


I'd buy a Holley Carburetor Basics book before you think about doing what you're going to do. You'll want to understand the various jets, pumps, and arms, plus how to setup the basics for the carb. You'll need to know how to setup the springs, the linkage for the pump discharge and picking the proper jets. Buy the book, read it, and then think about if you want to become good at rebuilding holley carbs. You will absolutely, at bare minimum need to know how to tune the carb and swap jets out, because it won't be "sized" properly out of the box. They never are for the L series motor.



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