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Turbo blanket...which one


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I found these two turbo blankets on ebay....they appear to be the same ones everyone else is selling... Any opinions or experiences with either





Im thinking of buying one to keep heat away from the brake components ....this should also keep underhood temeratures down.


Any input is appreciated.



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Either one should work - I would not recommend getting either in the black color, though. The blanket in the first ad looks to be shinier, which aside from looking nice might tend to reflect heat back to the turbine housing a bit better.


I don't know what turbo you are using, but make sure that the blanket will fit your turbine housing.


I have been really happy with the products from Advanced Thermal Products. They are a bit pricier (probably about double the prices above), but they do provide a really high quality product. Here are some pics of the cover they made for my GT42:


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WOW....the ATP stuff looks great!! I may have to dig hard to justify double the price but what the heck....Im in deep now!


No pricing , distributors or ordering info available on the web site? You mentioned they "made for you" ....is that just a phone call away? Did you need to send the housing to them?


Im using the RB25 turbo...



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Thats the kind I'm saving my penny's up to buy. I need a cover that fits like a skin.


I had a brand new pair like the black/gray ones, but they were to thick to work in my tight space, so I ebayed them.


I really like the ATP covers, and believe they will out last/ perform the soft type covers.

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WOW....the ATP stuff looks great!! I may have to dig hard to justify double the price but what the heck....Im in deep now!


No pricing , distributors or ordering info available on the web site? You mentioned they "made for you" ....is that just a phone call away? Did you need to send you housing to them?


Im using the RB25 turbo...




Yes - if they don't have the piece you need in stock they can make one up for you - I sent them my turbine housing and they made that one for me. I even sent the v-band clamps along and they made sure that they would not interfere.


Also, they are made from inconel, not just some high temperature fabric.


I'm pretty sure that once they make one they keep the mold, so you might not have to go to that much trouble. As far as I know there are no distributors - you'll just have to call and see what they have (phone number is in the link above). In my experience, they are really easy to work with.

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I wasted my money on a fiberglass blanket with a foil backing that got wired to the turbo. I mean, it worked but it was ugly and when I had to remove it for service, it just fell apart. This time I made a curved peice of stainless steel and glued fiberglass cloth to the inside of it with Super 77 adhesive. It works at keeping most of the heat off the manifold and surrounding components, it's durable, reusable, and relatively cheap made with materials I had laying around. When the turbo is red hot, I can hold my hand an inch from the shield without getting burned.



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