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Taking out rear suspension

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Lunch Break,


I have been working all morning taking down the rear suspension and have a long way to go yet.




Where can I get some urethane (prob mispelled) to replace my worn out old rubber bushings?


Red would look cool I think. If anybody knows or has a very important safety tip before I go back and crawl under the car just holler at me, I will be eating my lunch for the next few min.

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Anyone have a clue as to how in the #$!! you are supposed to be able to separate the rear strut assembly from the rear control arm?


The book say just pull out the pivot bolt. :mad: Yeah right maybe you and king kong! It looks like it is pressed in somehow.


I stopped before I killed something

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Guest Anonymous

Go to Brakes wheels Suspension march23,2002 Blue Oval Z thread :"Dan Bathea strut pin removal tool.Yes" Has picture and zthang@hotmail.com Charlie... Harry Houdini died years ago and was possibly the last living soul who could pull out that strut pin after the rust settled in. Dan Betha (?) made a strut pin removal tool.There was discussion on this yesterday and Rick Bowers was trying to locate Dan. I have used this tool and it works. I will see if I can locate the thread

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Ah yes, you have come to the single hardest thing you will ever tackle on a Z. I have not personally used the pin removal tool, but I am 99% sure it would not have done jack for me. Each and every Z will have a different level of pin removal difficulty, but mine was a bear. I pounded and soaked and pounded and soaked with no luck. I then cut the pin on each side of the cast iron knuckle so that I could make pressing the pin out easier. Once the pin is cut, the two ends in the control arm will come out easily and you have just the strong iron knuckle to press against. In my case, I used a 25 ton air/hydraulic press at work and maxed it out. When the pin would move a bit, it sounded like a shotgun blast. eek2.gif People actually came running from another part of the loud shop to see what happened. Eventually I got them out, but there is no way I could have done it without cutting first and then using the press. I did try heat on one and it didn't make any difference.

Once you do accomplish this feat, however, you will feel like there is nothing you can't conquer. rockon.gif Good luck and feel free to e-mail me if you get stuck and need advise.

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I did locate Dan "Zthang" Bethea and ordered his last Spindle Pin Removal Tool.

I also gave my opinion that he should make another run. Judging by the interest in this he could sell a Sheat-load of them.

Danno74Z had a good suggestion - that we start a "Hybrid-Z Tool Loan Program". I would participate in such a thing.

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Yes count me in too. And while you are at it hows about whipping up somthing that will make the filler plug on the differential budge!


I tried an impact gun, a monkey wrench, adjustable wrench, open and boxed end wrenches with no success cuss.gif


As for the spindle removal I was kinda thinking that I was trying to remove the wrong thing because it looks like they have some type of rubber seal around them. I was afraid that I may break something for nothing.


Is it just one long piece of metal? If so I will beat the he77 out of it the next time I go at it.

Oh and um can I get new ones at the good ole auto zone when I trash these?


As always thanks again Larry.

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Guest Anonymous

Charlie I would imagine the replacwment strut pins are one expensive item at Nissan "only" but cheap at the junkyard. Has to be some hard alloy steel.One part you do not want to replace $$$$$

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I had to cut mine and have the pieces pressed out also. The new pin was only available at the Nissan dealer. The cost was about $35 for the pin. Wierd thing is the other side of the rear suspension gave me no problems at all, just lightly tapped the pin out.



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Guest 240hybrid

MSA sells the spindles for $22.21 a piece. My catalog is last issues(SOB's still havent sent one after I requested new one long ago). I dont see why they would no longer offer this item. After you get your originals out their barely usable except maybe ... twak.gif knocking some sense into someone.

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Yes Rick that is the same thing I was looking at while I attempted to just pull mine out like the diagram shows.


I was wondering, that little nut on the bottom of the spendle housing I think they refer to it as the lock bolt.


Well the nut just came off without a problem. Does the threaded bolt come out too?


I was wondering if this is sticking into the slot in the pivot pin. Kinda makes sence to me that it probably is.

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