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ZENN not ZED cool!


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Hopefully my question won't cause any probs so here it is....

Electicity is expensive and to run a BIG motor (motor means elec.) off house current will cost a lot, given a couple hours and variing resitance. I wonder what the cost per kilowatt hr it costs on your power bill?? I'am not saying gas is better than electric, I dont know how much per mile it costs off your house bill? Remembering energy consuption is contance on given fixed applications. (weight, hp, friction, etc.)


I've never heard this answer. Also keep in mind Kw/hr costs are different around the nation, ours is quite cheap compared to national.


I bet it was expensive when power deregulated down in cali??!!! haha just had to say that;)

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Agreed...no matter what type of energy you use there is a cost....$ and envoronmental. Its not like electricity can be made from the sun or something.... :)


If we use standard sources....coal and such...I dont believe we are moving ahead. But as solar technology improves...and it is very quickly.... who says we cant have panels on the house charging that little puppy?


And who knows, in time that big motor will probably be made more efficient. Its just neat to see people trying....its a start.

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