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what IS this CAR?!??!?!? I must know more........


That was my F-prepared 240-Z race car. Here is a write up with details and a few pictures, mostly focused on the MS and EDIS installation.




The race car was parted out, reasons explained in the link below, post # 9. I kept the front and rear suspension with rear disc conversion for project FUZZY, (shortened struts with Ground Control coilovers and Tokico illumina struts, all poly bushings, Porterfield pads, stainless lines…)




Lately, my lovely wife of 19 and half years would like a Ferrari GTO replica as her part time daily driver, so the ’75 shell slotted for project FUZZY may become her L-28 powered 250-GTO. The Supercharged V-8 powertrain that is sitting on my shelves may end up in a/the Z-32.. (yesssssss…) I also have my VH45DE from my ’96 Q-45 which is in excellent running condition. I really would like a mild daily driver Z-32 with a VH45DE… The there is also this nagging itch that I am seriously considering scratching in the near future involving machining my own very short stroke single plane SBF or SBC crankshaft… (Deep breath…) decisions, decisions….

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Ok fellas, I have an idea, not sure how well it will play out, but what the heck, lets give it a try, shall we?


You guys get to choose RayG1988’s user-title! (His LOLcats reference is way funny...) All suggestions for his new usertitle have to be made in this thread, by Thursday 7:00 AM Pacific time. Please give your reason for your choice including any links to posts that help explain why that title fits. :wink: I will then choose one of those usernames. I know that isn’t much time, but I’m leaving town for a few days in the morning, so…

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