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Who's had the pleasure of Kidney Stones?


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Well I am currently trying to pass my 3rd stone in 2.5 years! Oh joy! My first was quite a shock to me. I was sitting on the couch watching TV with my roomate and GF one night when all of a sudden I had a slight pain in my kidney area. At first it wasn't too bad. I just started walking around saying that I had a muscle cramp. Then 10 minutes later I was laying on the floor in horrible pain. My GF kind of started freaking out and she called the Nurses Direct hotline. They told her that it was probably a kidney stone and that I should go to the hospital to get it checked out for sure. So we went to the emergency room, where I sat there for an hour waiting... By then I had passed it into my bladder where it no longer hurt. They did a xray/scan of some sort on my midsection and confirmed that's what it was. This little trip to the hospital costed me almost $2000!


The 2nd time was after a hot and humid 4 day camping trip in August last summer. The doctors said I probably got dehydrated and that's what triggered it. This time they didn't do a scan but put me on an IV and drugged me up for a while. Then they sent me home with a perscription for vicodin. That time it "only" costed me $600.


Now this time I woke up to go to work yesterday. Got there at 7:30 started to work when all of a sudden I started to get some minor pain in my kidney area again. I started hoping and praying that it wasn't what I thought it was but 20 minutes later I was laying on the ground in horrible pain again begging for some drugs! LOL My service writer thankfully found some some with some vicodin. I took 2 of them and tried to continue to work but again I was laying on the ground still in pain when my manager came over and told me to go home. So I got 6 more pills from the same person who gave me the other 2 and went home. Once I got there I passed out for a while and the pain wasn't so bad. 4 hours later after those first pills wore of though I was in pain again. So 2 more pills later and Im good to go. Once my GF came over, she helped me with keeping me comfortable. I didn't get much sleep last night but when I woke up today I wasn't really in pain but mostly just sore. So I though maybe it had passed into my bladder. Well about 2 hours ago I had another sharp pain hit me in my lower back....2 pills later and I'm good to go again!


Man I can't wait to piss out this ROCK! LOL The doctors told me the first time that mine were very small and that I might pass them without even noticing it but so far no luck with that plan! LOL


All I know is that I'm not going to the doctor so that they can say "yup you have a kidney stone...here's a perscription for vicoden" and then charge me $600+. I have 20 oxycodene pills that will get me through this and they didn't cost me a thing!




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Well kidney stones are basically rocks of solidified calcium. So take it easy on the amount of milk and other dairy products you eat.


some people think it's from too much calcium, but it's actually a LACK of calcium that causes them


From wiki:

Calcium oxalate stones


The most common type of kidney stone is composed of calcium oxalate crystals, and factors that promote the precipitation of crystals in the urine are associated with the development of these stones.

Conventional wisdom and common sense have long held that consumption of too much calcium could promote the development of calcium kidney stones. However, current evidence suggests that the consumption of low-calcium diets is actually associated with a higher overall risk for the development of kidney stones. This is perhaps related to the role of calcium in binding ingested oxalate in the gastrointestinal tract. As the amount of calcium intake decreases, the amount of oxalate available for absorption into the bloodstream increases; this oxalate is then excreted in greater amounts into the urine by the kidneys. In the urine, oxalate is a very strong promoter of calcium oxalate precipitation, about 15 times stronger than calcium.


I got bored one day and read up on what causes them XP

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Jesus Christ, I'm scared to death of when/if I ever pass a kidney stone. I've heard that sodas will cause kidney stones if you drink too many of them, and it scares me because I used to drink a ridiculous amount of soda daily.

I've since limited my carbonated drink intake to either 1 soda or energy drink a day. I would probably quit drinking the energy drinks if I thought that I would survive any of my classes without them, lol.


BTW, if anyone has ever wondered what it's like to type while on pain killers, I think that this line pretty much sums it up:


My service writer thankfully found some some with some vicodin.



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LOL! Whoops!


I think I finally passed that little bastard! VICTORY IS MINE! LOL





Great for you! My boss had to go to the doctor twice last month to have them "blasted"! They were way to big to pass them as is and needed to be broken apart.


Good luck and stay healthy!

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