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More than meets the eye!


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it says "ravage" in the brake light. Ravage was one of Soundwave's transforming cassette tapes in Transformers (generation 1). I'm pretty sure ravage was the wolf one... At least he got the logos right...


Funny story on that note, back in MY honda days, i actually cut my own Autobot logos out of reflective white cop vinyl to replace the honda badges. I thought i was so clever until i found out about the Autobots car club out in California...this would have been back in like 99/00, somewhere in there.

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  veritech-z said:
it says "ravage" in the brake light. Ravage was one of Soundwave's transforming cassette tapes in Transformers (generation 1). I'm pretty sure ravage was the wolf one... At least he got the logos right...




correct. but ravage was more a panther than a wolf. speaking of, i need to hunt one of them down for my Gen 1. collection.


and i hate it when people disgrace the Transformers logo like that, even if it is a decepticon one....

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i was just at the orlando MegaCon, and Gen 1 transformer prices are now through the ROOF! Soundwave, minus one battery/bazooka with no cassettes was going for $185...I did pick up a beat up old Optimus Prime for $30. He's pretty well used though, so its really just to say i've got one...

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