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its legal to steal a car in huron county mi (long)


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well as the title says it is,

Here is the story:

My sister moved to flordia renting her house to an ex brother in law trying to help the fat jerk out. He lived there for three years not paying rent the whole time. I am not sure why anyone would let anyone stay in their house and not pay rent for three years but anyway back to the story. I was talking with my sister about her car she had an 85 grand prix le you know the big ones rwd, full framed cars. She had told me that dave(the guy living in the house) had been asking about the car telling her it was junk cuz the floor boards were rotted out and wanted to junk it for her. I told her not to and that i would fix the car since it was destined to be my 13yr old nieces car. She told me she had called him to let him know i was coming to get the car and that i could have a snowmobile they left there too. I went to pick up the sled and noticed the car was gone!! I was pissed i went to the house and asked where the car was? He told me that it was in the garage, i told him it was not cuz i had looked thru the window. He then told me that the engine and trans was in there cuz when he pulled the car out for me the car broke in half. I called him a liar and he changed his story saying that the rear axle broke and then showed me the marks in the mud where the rear wheel was dragging. I called him a liar again and told him the car was an automatic and needed to have the key to shift it out of park so they dragged it in park making the marks. I then asked where it was and he told me the bone yard, i asked who took the car and he told me he didnt know. I was so mad i called the cops and asked them to come out so i could file a report. I waited for an hour then i finally got a call from a state trooper and explained the story to him. He then told me there was nothing i could do because the car was on his property and he can have it removed. I told him the car was stolen because no one gave him athority to do it, he said he has the right to. I was so mad i hung up with him and called a buddy that was a cop he told me that the proper way to remove anything on the property that is not the owner/renters is to call the police and have them check to see if it is stolen and then have a towing company impound it. I told this to the state trooper and he told me that there was still nothing i could do except for take him to small claims court. I asked to list the car as stolen so it could not be scrapped or relisenced, he refused to since to him the car was not stolen. I then got a hold of the local cop and told the story he didn't want to help either and told me some time later the prosecuting attorney will not bring up charges on the situation. Well finally the guy gave me the engine and trans that is suppose to be from the car and i have a friend that knows the family that says the car is at the scrap yard now. Ive been running around in circles for about two months with this crap and the car is probably in the scrap yard now torn to heck. Im gonna call the yard tomorrow and see if the car is there.

So if anyone wants to steal a car come to huron county in michigan i've found a loop hole:D

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I'm not suprised at the police responses. Later on in life you learn, as I have, to say, screw it, and move on, it's really not worth all the aggravation dealing with moronic ex-inlaws or just stupid ignorant people in general.



Find her a z and be on the road to happier times.

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....He lived there for three years not paying rent the whole time ...... He then told me there was nothing i could do because the car was on his property ...


The deadbeat was a boarder at best. He was not an owner or a renter unless he signed a lease or paid rent. You might want to tackle it again from that angle.

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he is not in the house anymore which is good, the worse part is i got dragged into it. i know no one will touch it but it just goes to show they will bust people for the smallest things but when it comes to something big in a gray area of the law they ignore it.I do know one cop that would do something if it had happend in his city but all in all u live u learn. I'm done messing with it and the car wasnt at any of the junk yards i called, . Well i got an engine anyone want to build a v8 turbo? :D

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