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Finally found time to check my blown head gasket

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Well yesterday and this afternoon i got some time to start disabling my Z to chabge the head gasket . I disconected everything and tag everything too ready to be lifted off with both manifolds on . Took a couple pictures .


As soon as i took the bolts off and pry the cover to lift it up i saw coolant coming out .



Then i took the cover off and found lots of water and oil .




And i stoped their for today took off the fule rail to , that bugger was stuck :sour: had to cut the fuel lines . I got 2 bolts too that shred on me so ill need to find a way to take them out . Ill update more as i go along with this .

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Yesterday Thursday 10 , i finally was able to take off the intake plenum and header . Let me start by telling you its a PITA when the motor is still in the car ! I am a big guy so i had to bend my arms in shapes i never thought was possible to get acces to the bolts but at least a the good part was that the bolt weren't rusted nor jammed . So here are the pics and ill follow with a quick question .






I broke some hoses i forgot to take off .





My question is The TDC in the manual isnt written in way that i understand it they say that a bright chin link reprensent TDC but i have 2 ? one with wrinting on it and that doesnt in both my book haynes and the FSM they dont say at wich mark they need it i got dots 1 2 3 on the cam sprocket and does it need to be on top or 45 degree to the right when i opened it up the silver link with writings was at 45 degree to the right and had dot 3 under it i wish i couldve taken a picture but i played with it i forgot to take a picture . I hope my question is clear if not tell me hehe .

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I think he's showing that port specifically because that's the only one showing those symptoms. Often when a head gasket blows you'll end up with coolant in the chamber, thus intake and exhaust chambers in the head as well.


Hence why cars with bad head gaskets normally blow white smoke.

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Well its not opened yet so i may have other surprises but like Golum said and you can see on the first pictures their is coolant in the head i might have splashed in the intake plenum other then that i dont know what it could be i checked the inside of my intake plenum and it look like it doesnt have any coolant in it only the normal gunk the EGR makes . But when the gasket blew i remeber that when i opened the hood something splashed on the hood through the breather on the intake end couldnt tell if it was coolant or oil .

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Finally took the head off this afternoon . The break in the gasket was at cyl 3 and its just a small tear . The not too funny thing tho is on the head side it looks like their is less carbon (black stuff) in cyl 3 chamber ? It was abit cleaner then the 5 others ? Does this tell me my injector is working proprally ?


Here are the pictures







Cylinder 6 was filled with prestone





picture off the head off




I had some kind of grim on the exhaust port and head on cyl 3 & 4





Do i have oil restrictors on ?





Yes i think so


Ok thats it if you spotted something i didnt please tell me !

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I would think why #3 was cleaner is due to the coolant/water getting in there and basically making it a steam bath. This would most likely also make the exhaust come out with less heat so it was not completely burning off before exiting. I have had too replace head gaskets on most every Z I have had.

Usually just bad head gasket only requiring a mild shaving of head.

Once it did lead to a small crack in the head and I had to have it welded by someone specializing in welding AL.



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Have your head pressure tested first to see if its cracked,usually can be done at the engineering shop and if its not cracked a quick skim will do.Any oil on the pistons when you took the head off? coz if there was you might be in for a set of rings and bearings....chances are you cooked the rings with the blown gasket.Any water in the oil pan or just in the water system(radiator etc.)?

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Have your head pressure tested first to see if its cracked,usually can be done at the engineering shop and if its not cracked a quick skim will do.Any oil on the pistons when you took the head off? coz if there was you might be in for a set of rings and bearings....chances are you cooked the rings with the blown gasket.Any water in the oil pan or just in the water system(radiator etc.)?


No oil on any piston but i had water in the oil pan . I Flushed the coolant and the oil yesterday . The coolant was fine no oil anywhere . I cleaned the head and bloc the best i could to remove the old gasket took a 800 grit sand paper to get the very hard stuff out but the gasket remover spray was perfect . I only sanded the part where the gasket blew on the head and the bloc cuz the gasket was litterally cooked their .


Here are yesterdays pictures .


clean bloc




New gasket on bloc




Head back on the bloc




I had to stop there because my torque wrench wasnt strong enough it stops at 210 inch pounds and i need 648 (+) inch pounds to torque the head .

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Two things:

1. Sanding that one spot where the gasket blew, wasn't a good idea. hand sanding on a black deck can create an uneven spot which will cause the new gasket to blow in exactly the same place.


2. You're using an inch pound torque wrench on head bolts that will require ft/lbs. Get the right tools for the job.

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Hey Wedge


I agree about sanding the 1 spot on the block,you gonna have to get the block checked with a straight edge and probably skimmed a little like the head gets done.So get that checked before continuing with the head!!!!!A torque wrench aint expensive otherwise just borrow 1 like i usually do...the last head gasket obviously blew from a water port to piston and just a quick question:Have you found the reason for the blown head gasket?

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Ok , now im starting to think i F*** it up i thot using a really fine grain sand paper was ok i almost cant tell where i sanded ? And no i dont really know why the Head Gasket blew i suspect the previous owner of reusing the same gasket when he opened it up and since i got high compresson pistons now it made sense it blew ?


And for the torque wrench its just a question of conversion from inch pounds to foot pounds and ill probably just borrow one .

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I usualy use a stanley knife blade to clean or basically scrape the flat surfaces clean...check that radiators not blocked,thermostat,water pump and then take the head to an engineering shop as i mentioned before and have it pressure tested to check for cracks and basically take it from there.If cracked it must get welded or replaced,if not then just skimmed.I also highly recommend you get the block skimmed too.There must be a reason for the pressure build-up causing the blown head gasket...

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