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280zxt info needed


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Hi I'm from Australia, Im trying to get the 280zxt homologated over here in Aus for PRC Rally.

I need info on how many 280zxt were sold, and over what years.

I also need info on the full specifications of the car, something like a link to a site that has the nissan factory manual would be great, as they (cams Australia) asked that I supply a factory manual for the 280zxt and I don't have one.

Any info is appreciated.

Thanks Col

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Thanks Guys I'll try and get the info from the web as long as it lets me download the lot.

I will also check with cams as they may accept just giving them the site.

You have all been very helpful and I hope this will be enough for them, or

(I"LL BE BACK) asking for more help.

Arnie joke.ha ha

Thanks Col

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Hi again

Gollum,I have a problem with the info on the site you sent.

Although the info was great it did not single out sales of thr 280zxt as they did for the zxr.

Cams wants me to prove how many 280zxt were produced and I have been told I need something exactly as you sent me , but with specific to the 280zxt.

It would be great if you have any specific info, or do the 280zxt just get thrown in with the NA versions, if so I still have a problem proving the number of zxt sold.

Thanks Col

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Hi xenonxiii.

Yes I did look through your site and It's great with a heap of info. The download for the manual should be fine but I just wanted to check out the other manual just in case they had any different info.

I should have thanked people personally rather than just "Thanks Guys", but please believe I do appreciate all your help.

I am still unable to find sales numbers for the 280zxt. I know there were a heap sold and even if only one percent of the 280zx sold were turbo there would have been enough sold.

Still Cams wants info on the sales of the 280zxt specifically , so if anyone can help it would be great.

Thanks Col

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The best info I could give you would be this.


Go to autozone's website (parts store)




And under you vehicle selection tell them you have a 81-83 280ZX and they'll ask what engine. They'll have a precentage of how many were turbo or NA.


You can double check it all for yourself, but this is what you'll get:




With those percentages you should get a pretty accurate number of how many there were, and based upon how many 280ZXT cars I see around those numbers seem pretty accurate. There's lots of them, but certainly bellow 25% of the production.


Not sure if that's official enough for you, but I've never seen concrete data on how many 280ZXTs there were as the weren't a limited production run, they were a trim level that saw huge figures.

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Thanks I'll put that to Cams and see what they say.

As you say the numbers of them around leave no question that there were enough sold but I suppose the guys from cams need the paperwork to add up just like any other big department.

Thanks Col

(Looks like I'm getting pretty close)

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