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Mike Kelly question


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I read your aritcle on how to install the T56. I have some questions though.



How do you remove the skip shift solenoid?

Thats the one with the big copper colored nut in the middle of the tranny right? Or do you just pull out the plastic plug?


2. What did you do about the reverse lockout solenoid? Chevy magazine says to use a switch.


3. What oil is best for the tranny?








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#1. The Skip Shift Solenoid is the unit on the left side of the trans that is held on with a single bolt and C-clip. It has an electric connector on it. The unit is very easy to modify per the tech article.


#2. I did nothing for the Reverse lockout and my trans works fine. What exactly does the article in Car Craft say? Why is it necessary to rig up a switch? I don't want to damage my trans, but Mine worked great for the limited amount of driving I have on it...


#3. GM Syncromesh fluid. Lingenfelter and Rippy both advised the use of it... it isn't cheap, but it makes for very smooth shifts!





"I will not be a spectator in the sport of life!"


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Thanks Mike,

How big is the bolt for the skip shift solenoid? There is a huge one on the left side, about a 1 1/2" and sticks out pretty far.


Chevy magazine said the reverse lockout solenoid electrically prevents shifting into reverse unless the vehicle is at a certain speed. They suggest using a switch connected to the solenoid to enable shifting into reverse. They also say you can force your way into it but I couldnt, where is reverse located?









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Nope, that big botl isn't it. It is forward of that. It literaly has a little 3/8 inch or smaller bolt holding a c-clip on the skip shift.


If you put the car in fifth gear, it is like your next move is 7th... that is where it is, but it is a little stiff to engage, but mine works fine once you find it.






"I will not be a spectator in the sport of life!"


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Guest Anonymous

Since you have one of the T56's installed, could you tell me how the clutch feels? My mother has an 89 RX-7 and I like the ease of the clutch, but I figure that a V8 tranny may be a little hard to dive around town. Thanks.





Chris McIntyre


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The FEEL of the clutch pedal is more positive (More presure) than that of the factory Z clutch, or the 2nd generation RX7, but only slightly. It is, IMO, Perfect. If you have driven a 5.0 Mustang, you know that a heavy pedal is no fun, and you don't have that with this setup if you use the Tilton 7/8th inch bore mastercylinder and bleed the system properly!






"I will not be a spectator in the sport of life!"


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Checked my pics archive and I don't have any of the left side of the trans....Dumb huh? All I can tell you is get a haynes manual and it will show it. Get the 92-97 Fbody manual and it points out where it is. Other than that, it is just forward and below the part you describe which, by the way is the reverse lock-out.






"I will not be a spectator in the sport of life!"


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I have attached a URL that shows the left side of a T56 and the reverse lock out. The Skipshift solenoid is about 6 inch forward from the reverse lockout on the same side. It comes straight out from the trans. Hope this helps. Picture is about 3/4 of the way down the listed page.





[This message has been edited by Greg SmileZ (edited March 11, 2000).]

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Got the engine/tranny in today. My car is a

73 and I had to do a little hammering to the tunnel.

Now, the transmission X member thingy is too

long to use with the T56, Because the T56 is longer and so the mounting location got pushed back to where the tunnel is narrower.

The tail of the tranny is sitting on a skateboard under the car right now!







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Hey Owen, I had the same problem with my '72 240 and T56. I cut an "H" where the exhaust humps would be in the floor, and banged it up until the cross member cleared. Then welded in some sheet metal where there was a large gap. You cant tell from inside the car. Hope this helps. By the way the circled item in red is you skip shift, and the VSS is the speedo hook up.


[This message has been edited by Mike kZ (edited March 14, 2000).]

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Owen, I took a slightly different approach.

I made a steel strap that is about 4" wide

that follows the contour of the floorboard

on the inside of the car. After this strap

levels out and goes a few inches along the bottom of the floor pan it is cut off and a

hole is drilled through it and a piece of

angle iron on the under carriage. think of an upside down "U" with a angle iron bolted

to the open side with the transmission mounted in the middle. It is a very simple

and somewhat crude modification but it works fine and i can change mounting locations

by simply drilling 2 new holes. I also had to cut the factory mounts out in order to

get my 700r4 and engine to sit almost against the fire wall.

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Guest Locutus

angle iron is just a piece of steel that is L shaped, it is basically two pieces of flatbar welded at 90 deg angle it is stronger than flat bar, and resists twisting.

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The pic you have, the item you have marked speedo is the skip shift solenoide.






"I will not be a spectator in the sport of life!"



[This message has been edited by Mikelly (edited March 19, 2000).]

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