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Evening out with the wife and the Z.


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Ever since our boy arrived about 15 months ago, my wife and I were no longer able to go for a cruise in the Z. We missed the old days, so we brought the little one over to Grandma's house in the minivan and made reservations for dinner a few towns away. We returned home to swap the minivan for the Z and off we drove into the sunset. The forecast tonight was for rain but there was a bright sun on the horizon. It sure was fun to cruise in the Z with my wife, to a well earned, luxurious dinner in a ritzy little town nearby. The town is littered with high dollar p-cars and f-cars and what not. When we finished dinner and dessert we stepped outside for a walk through the town and there was a couple looking at the Z. The woman said that she loved the car and asked if it was a Hybrid. She saw the sticker. My wife actually took the lead and explained the whole engine swap thing. We walked through town, and on the way back to the car, another couple was trying to figure out the year of my Z. I walked up and said "76". The guy was a Nissan fan and has a really well done early Frontier parked next to my Z. We chatted a bit. Then we hit the road and I got two thumbs up from a couple of different Porsche drivers, a thumbs up from two kids in a Honda, and a beep and a wave from a gentleman in a Nissan minivan. A few bursts to 15psi on the twisties and we were home before any rain began. What a great evening with the wife and the Z.


Oh, and my sincere apologies to the guido in the Deville that tried to one-up me on the parkway. I passed him at about 75 and he decided that he wanted to show his girl how fast his Deville was. I suppose after he tailgated me and then saw me disappear before his eyes, he had to make up excuses to his girly instead. I think it was a DTS-M Deville.

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Sounds like a really great night. Our boy was born 4 months ago so "our" Z is still languishing in the garage mid-project. Looking forward to when we can do the same.


We did get a night out yesterday to catch the Rush show. :rockon: By your user name I'm guessing you might be doing the same later this tour.

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Yup got a ticket for Washington DC/Maryland already. Congrats on the boy. It get's easier....and then I hear it gets harder.

Thanks :-) I don't mind the difficult parts one bit, but it does make for a lot less time in the garage.


Enjoy the show. I'd put this year's show up there with last years', which I though was great.

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You're lucky yours will even get in your car....The first and last time mine got in the Z she moaned about how unsafe it felt.


Haha, I know what you mean. Luckly my GF likes my 75' just doesn't like the rough ride and the exhaust fumes. Once I tie up those loose ends she'll love it. I might have to hide the keys of the new 80' from her though. She's liking it way too much.


Oh yea cygnusx - congrats on the wonderful night out on the town. Sounds like you and the misses had a great time, and it honestly makes me happy to hear that the Z was a part of it all.

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  • 1 year later...
The days of him wanting to hang out with me are almost over :cry:



If you get him hooked on cars that's another story entirely.


Once he figures out your knowledge of how to do things is there for easy access and that tools and a space to work on cars is a very expensive thing, you will become his best friend again.

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My son who is now 15 absolutely LOVES my z so I figured why not get a project we can both work on and hand him the keys once he gets his license. The days of him wanting to hang out with me are almost over :cry:


Nice little first car as well!


I'll give you a point of view from us teenagers being im 15 myself, we love hanging out with you guys even it seems like we dont sometimes we might not agree on things but by the end of the day we still love you guys so enjoy it. Oh and my first car is a turbo 280z that my dad helped me get and gave me advice and stuff like that

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I think I was only 16 when I joined HBZ. I'm still trying to convince my dad to let me teach him how to do his own oil change. Meanwhile I'm swapping heads on my turboZ...


There's a big difference between wanting to get out of mom and dad's house, and wanting to get away from your parents. In my mind you're never too old, or too cool to spend some time with your parents, as long as the relationship is healthy. Then again, I think most of the people I hang out with are over 40.... So I might be biased.

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I think I was only 16 when I joined HBZ. I'm still trying to convince my dad to let me teach him how to do his own oil change. Meanwhile I'm swapping heads on my turboZ...


There's a big difference between wanting to get out of mom and dad's house, and wanting to get away from your parents. In my mind you're never too old, or too cool to spend some time with your parents, as long as the relationship is healthy. Then again, I think most of the people I hang out with are over 40.... So I might be biased.


Well said. Even though my Dad is very mechanically challenged, I love to hang out with him. Although, if he gets too close to my Z with a tool, I might have to hurt him. J/K

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