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Hybrid Z site so sslllooowwww to load at home


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Please help me to figure out why hybrid is so much slower at home compared to at a hotel. I have cable internet, I don't think I can get any faster. But when I visit the the site at home it will take forever to download every page I look at. No other site seems to be as slow as hybrid. I love this site but i save my surfing for when i am in a hotel(which is a lot). With the same laptop I use at home the site loads quickly when i am at the hotel, I can't figure it out. I am not a computer guy so if this problem was with my server(roadrunner) I wouldn't know how to argue that fact. Any advice??

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Roadrunner offers broadband now? o_O


if you're on the wifi down at the bottom you'll see the little computer icon with 3 lines that flashes, mouse over that and it'll show your speed, and how good of a connection you have.


and just because you have cable internet doesn't mean it's fast. it could be anything from 1-2Mbit all the way up to a 10+Mbit connection (which is what I have, great stuff for mass downloading)

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He is right. Sometimes HBZ loads realy really slow. Sometimes it's super fast. On the slow days, it seems to hang at the google servers and then snap onto action after it does the google stuff.


Something about arctic.google.ads... or something like that.

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