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Need help with identifing Pic Included

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Guest jjosh

it looks like one of those brake thingys and maybe one of those clutch thingys.....not sure. I DO know that if you can't figure this out you're in for a world of hurt....not trying to be rude but you should buy a manual and read a lot.....just in general.

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This may sound harsh, and I apologize for that as I am in no way trying to belittle or demean you. We all started somewhere in our technical automotive walk and all of us had to learn what those items are, just as you. You just have a long ways to go before you’re ready for a forum of this caliber. If you honestly don’t know what those items are, you most likely are on the wrong forum all together. This forum is dedicated to Extreme Performance Z cars. Questions and topics here are akin to an advanced college course focused on Z cars. What you are asking is high school level auto mechanics, not really HybirdZ level questions, sorry. Forums such as http://www.zcar.com, http://www.classiczcars.com, http://www.zdriver.com/forums/, etc are great forums for Z owners to get more acquainted with their Z cars.


You also should purchase a Haynes Manual for your Z car as it will show you these basic features and how to maintain them. You may also want to search eBay for a Datsun/Nissan owners manual for your year of Z as it will show the basic features, fluid levels and types, etc.


By the way. The part with the dual reservoirs is the Brake master cylinder. The other single reservoir is your Clutch master cylinder. Both take Brake fluid.


Take care,


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Any manual will tell you what to do with those. Basically, yes, you can just add fluid to the "full" line. But you need to make sure your brakes are not worn out, and you need to look for system leaks if the levels are low. Those fluids should also be periodically flushed and bled properly, for safety and proper performance.


Search for "brake and clutch fluid bleeding or flushing" on the web.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guess I'll chime in and help......


Picture on the left- Master Cylinder for your Brake Booster. Yes you can refill..Is it low? I don't know What is it for? Your brakes..fluids travel through your brake lines and pushes your brake caliper's piston to stop your car. Is there a process? Read the manual for proper process and cleaning, flushing, bleeding etc.


Picture on the right- I believe it's your windshield washer fluid. Pour your windshield washer fluid in here to clean your windshield...If it works


Those other sites are great to learn your car. Getting a manual it will do you wonders. If still confused, take up some auto classes will help you in the future.

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